| | Water Fasting

I've had a nasty cold for two weeks and totally stopped fasting

Has this ever happened to anybody else?


I felt like I needed to constantly chomp on cough drops and take other meds with sugar in them just to function.


The kicker is I only started IF maybe 6 or 8 weeks ago. I felt like I was making progress but now I need to get back on that horse.

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Yeah I was going to ask a similar question. I really struggle with fatigue sometimes and pain. It is so hard to keep the fasting during problems of pain because eating a little bit can actually give me a bit of a serotonin boost and relieve some of the pain. Same thing goes for my problems with fatigue. Usually I gain the most weight when I’m having the most fatigue. But it’s gotten so ridiculous it’s to the point where I have to do something differently


My husband has tested positive for Covid, I thankfully am still negative. Combined with time of the month, run up to Christmas and being quite bored, IF has gone out the window taking keto with it 😫I was doing so well! Anyway maybe tomorrow maybe the day after but I will restart and get back to it as I know I feel much better in myself when I IF/keto, and this sluggish feeling perpetuates itself through crap eating.

You’ve got this! I find that logging on zero helps me get back to it. I will start now!

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Categories: sugar struggle pain keto sluggish