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I've lost 18 pounds in 19 days on 1000 calories a day. Should I be worried?

I’m a 6’2 18M and I have been eating only 1000 calories a day since January 6th. My weight on January 5th was 271 and on January 25th my weight is 253. I’m happy with the weight loss and my meal plan has been working great for me. I’ve been sticking to an OMAD diet, and I rarely feel hungry anymore. I’ve tried other methods in the past but they always cause me to binge. Now I never binge or even feel hungry. However I hear that to loose that much weight in a short amount of time is dangerous. But other than that I feel awesome. Should I be worried? And if so, of what?

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I think 1000 cal every single day is too low for your stats. You can try alternate days of calorie cycling (not sure if that’s the term).

Day 1 - 1200 cal Day 2 - 1800 calDay 3 - 1200 calDay 4 - 1800 cal

Like the other feedback here - don’t wreck your metabolism. I made that mistake at a young age (18 to 25) with loads of bad dieting.


At your weight? No. It’ll be relatively fast until a certain point at which progress slows to a crawl. General rule of thumb is that 200 and below and you shouldn’t lose more than 1-2lbs per week.

Additional considerations are water weight and ensuring your weighing yourself properly. First thing in the morning after your bathroom break and before you’ve had anything to eat or drink. Preferably without clothes. As well 1000 calories is a crash diet and is not sustainable. You’re putting yourself at risk of yoyo dieting. You need to eat more.


Makes me think you had a lot of inflammation. The same thing happened to me. I lost 9 lbs in 7 days and I wasn’t even technically overweight. I’m holding steady at 14 lbs total weight lost eating 20:4 for the past 5 months but I’m a 47 year old female. I have a very active job, workout 3-4 times a week, and eat 1600-2000 or so calories every day. I think your weight loss will slow down and you’ll start to get hungry again so just listen to your body and do what it says.


Sounds like a good question for a medical doctor. Only someone who knows your medical history and medicine generally will be able to give you an accurate answer, especially if you’re not already working with a medical professional and eating 1k/day* for your height.

*less about calories and more about proper nutrient balance and intake.


I mean the first week in a plan I find a pound a day isn’t unusual given your starting weight as most of it is probably water weight. Given 1000 calories a day you probably are at almost a 2000 calories a day deficit which is about 0.6 pounds a day.

So i don’t think it is strange personally but continue to monitor and so long as it averages out to 0.6 lbs a day it seems normal.


Cycle back up to 2000 calories on a 16:8, don’t wreck your metabolism yet. 10k steps a day, only drink water, and a generally healthy source of 2000k cals. Cycle the OMAD. Come up with a feasible workout schedule to start incorporating. Mix or cardio, weightlifting, HIIT, BJJ, kickboxing, rock climbing or whatever. Start thinking long term. Losing 5lbs a month for a year is 60lbs. Puts you under 100. Without consistency you are at risk of yoyo-ing. What is your goal weight?


Inadvertently it looks very similar to me, though I am following fast800. After 8-10 weeks I’ll move to 4:3, and then to 5:2.

Might be worth you reading up on it, as it will help you reverse out of the diet phase gradually.

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