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I've reached 7 day prolonged fasting this morning

Start weight: 231 End weight: 218 Loss: 13 lbs

Probably the most difficult fast I’ve ever done. I don’t plan to do something like this again to be honest but it did help me appreciate good foods over junk. I have to start the refeed process later with a dash of cinnamon followed by bone broth and then possibly some chicken or salmon for dinner. Maybe adding broc rabe as well. I’m going to try to maintain keto for a few weeks. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for food in my life lol

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I’m on day 8 myself and it’s been rather good so far, once i figured out, how much of electrolytes I need per day and how frequently. I only did 2 and 4 day fast once, so I’m curious how long I can go, before I give up. Anyway congratulations on your week long fast, keep your mind and body healthy!


Update did a refeed.

  1. Teaspoon of cinnamon
  2. 30 mins later cup of bone broth
  3. 40 mind later .25 lb salmon. Broccoli rabe. Salsa.

I kinda felt a bit groggy for the next few hours tbh. However I am feeling much better a out 4 hours after I ate. I did infact have some bowl movement but I expected that. I am going on a fish veggie diet till end of September. Trying to do a 23/1.

I personally wouldn’t do this again … maybe next year but it was an interesting experience. I am feeling a bit achy but hopefully by tomorrow I’ll be back to norm.


I’m on the morning of day 7 myself. I plan to continue, assessing things each morning whether I wish to continue. That’s how this guy Angus Barbieri did it. He’s the guy who went 382 days. It was meant to be a short fast at the beginning, but he just decided to keep going in small increments. One day led to another day, which led to 382 days.

The only thing that worries me is the electrolyte stuff. Yesterday I upped the amount of electrolytes I was taking because I wasn’t sure it was enough. Was feeling kind of headachy, and read that that’s a symptom of low electrolytes.


Congratulations! Today is my seventh day as well but I think I’m going to keep going as I feel good for the most part and have been losing a lot of weight. From what I hear if I think it’s easier the more you do it so you could do something like intermittent fasting instead of a long fast.


Update one thing I am feeling is a lot of aches around my body. I felt this before with fasting. Made it hard to sleep last night. My lower back seem to be killing me. Drinking salt water seemed to help a bit.

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