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i want to lose around 18-20 lbs. how should I go about it? will 18:6 suffice w cheat days?

hello all

im 19f, my height is 5”8. I currently weigh 70 kgs or around 154 pounds. my goal weight is around 136 lbs. how should I go about if? i want to lose some belly fat and get somewhat toned. im a college student and my schedule makes it very difficult to work out. how should I go about if?

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Worth noting that sadly, you cannot target where you lose weight from. It is different for everyone as to where they lose fat from first.

Also worth remembering that IF is a scheduling tool that helps you manage your food intake, but you still need to watch what you eat and make sure you’re not consuming too much. There are other benefits of IF as well, but as far as weight loss goes it’s a tool to make it easier, not a tool that guaruntees weight loss (if you still consume 3000 calories a day in your 8 hour eating window, you’re not gonna be losing any :P)

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