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I want to try a longer fast and need beginner advice!

Hi everyone, I’ve been fasting for a couple months now and have lost 11 pounds. CW: 174, SW: 185 and GW: 160, i’m 5’7.

I’ve been doing 16:8 for those months, with exercise. I do have PCOS so I feel like it’s been a slow progress. I really want to try to do a longer fast, like 24-72 hours. I’ve seen people do longer too. What’s your advice to what I should start with. My stomach has shrunk a lot and I feel more comfortable with fasting for a longer period. Obviously it won’t be a regular thing what so ever, but I wanted to try it.

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I don’t know the nutrition/science, but at a certain point for fasts longer than 24h (maybe longer, not sure) you need to have a plan for electrolytes.

Check out the sidebar resources at r/fasting they’re helpful.

Good luck! If at any point you feel weak, lightheaded, faint, etc. during an extended fast your electrolytes are probably messed up.


I love including longer fasts once a week, only been at it for 3 weeks now. It started accidentally, I just didn’t feel hungry enough to eat when I attempted a 20hr fast from my usual 16/8 regimen of 2 weeks. I started with keto/low carb for a couple months before starting IF. And let me tell you my face has never been so wonderful! The texture is suddenly smooth & glowing! I was hooked! The 2nd week the skin on my abdomen tightened up…I just finished my 3rd 48hr fast and my stomach is even tighter/flatter!! I’m amazed 🤩The longer fasts have kept me losing weight again after a 2 week slow down on keto (I’m not patient). I’m on week 4 of IF and I’ve already lost 7 pounds. My advice is to start with a 24hr. Build up your confidence. Keep your fast clean with only black coffee, plain tea, water & electrolytes. It makes a world of difference in your ability to quell hunger. Then when you’re comfortable to try another longer fast aim for longer if possible to 36hr, then 42hr. Repeat the length until it’s easy then go longer if you want. Your body needs time to learn (and it will) to easily tap into fat reserves. I used to fear metabolism slow down with not eating but that simply isn’t true with fasts up to 72hrs bc growth hormone & adrenaline kick up and keep your basal metabolic rate going.

Tackle it at a pace you’re comfortable with. Trust me, it get easier each time!

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