| | Water Fasting

I’d like to water fast but I’m very active

I’m a male 5ft 7in. 27 years old. Weight about 186 lbs. Would like to get down to a Lean And mean 170 lbs. Currently in a police academy. Very active, lot of PT in the mornings and during the day as well. PT involves running, grappling, calisthenics. I’m thinking of water fasting, but I don’t want to be hindered and not be able to perform during Physical training in the morning and during the day. I’d also like to weight lift after I get out the academy for the day. How would y’all go about this? Or would my situation best be handled by using OMAD?

Thank you in advance

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I work in landscaping and it’s very active work. A couple years ago I did 6 weeks of rolling 72s (and one 96) while working. One day (day 3 of the 96) I walked \~10 miles while working. And this was all between Aug and Sept in Maryland, the hottest and most humid part of the year here. I had no problems at all. The key is to stay hydrated and stay on top of your electrolyte needs.

I’m currently on day 6 of a 7 day fast and I’m down \~7#, but I also out weight you by 120#. YMMV


So everyone is different and every fast can be different. I’m actually at the same stats as you which is super cool and I’m currently doing a 5 day water fast. My advice would be maybe to take your weekends as times to fast and you can have that every weekend. This will allow you to avoid social pressures of not eating with other cadets.

Grain of salt advice: From my understanding, if you are extremely active there is a chance for muscle loss and you do increase the possibility of something going wrong. Also…. Should something go wrong or you can’t perform to your fullest, your image may be judged at training.


I’m n fasting expert, but long Military background. I would not recommend fasting during any boot camp!!! You need all your strength, and mental equities during this period of time. good luck there is plenty of time to lean down.


If you wanna be hardcore about it you can achieve your goal weight in 2 weeks. Line up your first 2 days fast on thursday and friday. Weight lift on saturday and sunday before refeeding slowly. Repeat the second week.Dont forget the electrolytes to keep your self balanced

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