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if a incomplete protein is eaten with a complete protein will it be properly absorbed?

i’m making lunches for the week and my 2 primary protein sources this week are egg whites (complete) and walnuts (incomplete). i know that typically incomplete protein sources should be paired with complimentary incomplete sources (2 halves make a whole type deal) but im wondering if eating an incomplete source with a complete source would have the same effect? maybe a dumb question lmao but idrk how it works or if like the egg whites only have enough amino acids to turn it into usable protein

also if not, what are sources that “complete” walnuts?

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No, there’s no need to eat complementary protein sources. Your body doesn’t process protein that way. And really, plant sources of protein aren’t incomplete. They’re just a little lower in one or two of the essential amino acids. Eat a balanced diet, and get enough overall protein, and you’ll be fine. There really is no need to overthink this.


All amino acids have a use in the body and all get absorbed.

“Incomplete protein” is typically used incorrectly with the only actual incomplete protein that is commonly consumed being gelatin.

When most people us it they are talking about protein sources low in certain amino acids but not devoid.

Talking about complete and incomplete protein really became prevalent in the bodybuilding scene due to some sources of protein being low in leucine which is the amino acid responsible for muscle protein synthesis.

So to answer your question just eat a varied diet and everything will be just fine.

P.s. eat the damn egg yolk. That’s where all the nutrients are.


Just focus on complete protein sources. Animal nutrients are key to the body.

Don’t worry about minimum or maximums, just eat real food and eat plenty of fish, meat, eggs, dairy, etc as well as potatoes, fruit you do well with, etc.

Also don’t do this whole “egg whites only” thing. Eat the yolk, no the cholesterol is not bad, it won’t harm you. And don’t do this whole “low fat” thing either.

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Categories: lunch balanced diet muscle fish meat fruit