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IF After 40


I’m looking for feedback from those 40+ years old. Primarily since we all know that age is a factor and can affect metabolism and a number of other things that may cause our bodies to hold on to weight.

How is your your IF journey going? How long have you been at it? What’s your window? Do you OMAD? How much have you lost? Age? Do you follow keto, veg, plant-based, etc?

I know individual bodies are also all a little different but I’m just curious how the 40+ group is fairing, as I am 42F. Thank for looking and positive vibes to all! 🦋

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I’m 43 female and have been doing a 16:8 for a month and haven’t lost weight yet. My clothes are fitting better though. I still have three meals a day I think I need to cut out breakfast just haven’t been able to.


52M, doing omad at 6.00PM each day, 1 homecooked meal, low carb, plenty of meat+veg. I’m avoiding sugar but sometimes you just have to enjoy something naugty. Lost 44 lbs since 01-01-2022.

People notice and some are concerned I am ill or something because of the weight loss. I am at my goal weight now and staying there is not hard.

I have a desk job and a farm, so I do not go to the gym and fysical activity is moderate and had not changed over the last 10 years. So the weight loss is purely due to IF.


You get a lot of questions about why at a certain point. Nobody wants to congratulate you on a huge weight loss if you’re doing chemotherapy and that’s why.

I’m 3 years in (or so), just about 50 y/o, and I’m holding off 115-120 pounds for coming up on 20 months.

Healthier, happier, better blood and blood pressure. I do either 18’s or 19’s. I try to eat well but I slip up some.


I’m mid-50s, omnivore, and do time restricted eating most days plus 2x 24 hours a week fasting. Haven’t ever been overweight but want to keep lean mass and maintain weight.

Honestly I believe most of the metabolism slowdown associated with age is literal slowing down, moving less. Exercise remains the main factor in my shape but yep, finally after menopause I do have to watch what I eat.

My usual weekly pattern is 16/8 four days, two OMAD days, one eat all day day (not overeat just don’t worry about when). Maintaining 145 at about 5’9”.


42F here and doing this for about 4 months. I have lost about 15 lbs and just got through a round of Covid which set me back a bit. It’s going slower than for others but also a wonderful change. I was mainly here for trying to get the hormone issues under control - which it really really did! My sleep is so much better now… all those fun pre-menopause things. Just know it still works for 40+!! Edit to add my total loss goal is 25lbs so already past my 1/2 way point in a few months! It’s slower than some folks posting losing 20lbs per month but also feels steady and healthy! You can do this!


42F, 5’4”, SW 165, CW 150, 2 young kids.

I’ve been a little on-again-off-again but recommitted recently and making progress. I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts and a recent one on Max Lagavere’s Genius Life show had a trainer, Sal Di Stefano who recommended starting by increasing muscle to get your metabolism going faster. Once that’s in place, then ease in to IF.

I started by just cutting snacking after dinner (harder than I thought 😅), then waiting to eat breakfast a little longer each day. It took getting used to but now I don’t even get hungry until around 11, where’s I used to be ready to eat first thing in the AM. I usually do 16/8, slightly different each day depending on how I feel and what’s happening in my life. I try to eat fewer carbs and lots more protein and veggies. If I fall off the wagon then I may count calories for a while to see where I’m splurging.

I am happy that I’ve made progress and am down a dress size which means I can wear some of my old clothes in my closet again while not killing myself. I will say though that it’s a lot quicker to gain the weight than lose it now compared to 10 yrs ago, so more patience is needed.

I think the goal is to find a groove that works for you that is not too restrictive, or it won’t be sustainable. Good luck!


Almost 42F here. I’ve been vegan for 10 years, and maintained a decently healthy weight until about three years ago, after chemotherapy. The roller coaster appetite issues caused by chemo led me to gain 10 pounds within three months of finishing. Throw perimenopause and a pandemic into the mix, and I was up about 30 pounds.

Watching what I ate and exercise wasn’t moving the needle, so about 6 weeks ago I started IF. I’m doing mostly 16:8s, targeting around 1600 calories a day, and am down about 10 pounds. Due to travel and catching COVID, my exercise routine has been quite minimal, but I’m hoping to ramp that up once I’m feeling better.

I feel good, and adapted pretty quick to the restricted feeding window. I don’t even feel hungry until right around noon.

A friend who is is her early 60s decided to do IF with me when I started. She hasn’t seen much weight loss, but she says she feels better, and her clothes are fitting a little nicer.

Good luck on your journey!


M 45+,163 cm,SW 74 kg,CW 61.4kg GW 60kg, lost 12.5 in almost 4 months with OMAD plus exercises

All vegeterian diet + home based exercises,walking

Have started jogging 5 kms since last month after weight reduction

Its going great ,

Almost reached my goal weight of 60 kg,but continuing with OMAD/2MAD


I’m 55 and female, and a recent type 2 diabetic who has never been able to lose weight easily. (The most I’ve ever lost was about 40 lbs 12 years ago, with a LOT of physical activity, and I plateaued hard and couldn’t keep it going).

This time around I’ve been doing low carb/IF (16: 8 or 20:4) and using the calorie limit set by my Lose It app. I do my best to clean fast during my fasting window with nothing but water or black coffee, and if I am doing two meals I don’t snack in between. NO CHEAT DAYS and no processed sugar. I also try to do moderate exercise at least 5 times a week (walking, strength training, water aerobics). I’ve been doing it for just over 2 months, and after the initial few days of IF, I’m never hungry (and I struggle most days to reach my calorie limit). I’ve lost 38 lbs already and I am dumbfounded because it’s honestly been the easiest weight loss ever. Plus I feel great and have more energy than I’ve had in years.


I turned 40 back in January, but didn’t actually start IF until last month, after going to the beach lol. I’ve gone from 264 to 251 in that time. Started doing 16/8, but upped it to 18/6, with some occasional 20/4 since I get so busy at work i forget to eat. I have not started working out yet, but I expect that will help me to do the weight sooner, but not a bad start this time. I assumed my slowing metabolism was the reason for the weight gain, so doing this to help.


F 43 SW:262 CW:218 IF:mostly 18/6, OMAD:frequently, extended fasts (48hrs):occasionally, CICO: frequently. All of this has been done VERY loosely since mid-February and I walk about 30 minutes a day. Most of the weight was lost when I was using the Zero and Loseit apps.


F47. Played around with If 16;8and Keto/ low carb for a few years. Lost about 30 pounds. I decided to up my game in May and do some longer fast. I started with a 5 day EF. Saw some good results and decided to keep doing the EF. I work four days a week. It could either be all in a row or every other day. I choose to not eat on these days. The other three days a week that I eat I either do one meal or two meals a day. I may mix it up and eat a little more occasionally. I am down exactly 40 pounds today. I know it is a little fast. I have about 20 more to lose to be at my goal weight. I plan to do OMAD when I get there. This has worked so well for me!! I have said before I wish I would have found fasting a lot sooner. I do eat low carb/keto. I think it helps with cravings and I do not gain back much water weight when I eat. Good luck!!!


M61, 6 feet, SW 330, CW 290, GW 200? I had already lost about 20 lbs (from 350 to 330 lbs) but lost motivation so I decided to try IF (16:8) about 6 months ago and lost another 40 lbs. l’ve averaged about 60 minutes a day walking during the last year, 3 to 4 times a week. Mostly vegetarian with some occasional fish. Trying to eat as few carbs as possible and smaller meals in general. I cook everything myself and have fallen in love with low carb baking using almond flour. My weakness was always bread and I’ve learned to make a decent almond flour everything bagel!

My doctor was against it initially because I’ve been pre diabetic for years but not bad enough for meds. My A1C is finally in the normal range!! He gives the credit to my increased exercise but I don’t care as long as I get healthier. Blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation were all elevated but are all normal now. Even my testosterone went up.


50m 19:5. Down 22.5 lbs since April. Generally OMAD and TWOMOD on the weekends. Try to eat healthy as well. I did keto last year and lost the weight faster, but decided to forgo that this go around. As others have said this is a lifestyle change not a diet. Stick with it and expect awesome results. Remember though this takes time. If you work out as well you’ll see faster more defined results. Good luck!!


I listen to the intermittent fasting stories podcast. Most people on it are over age of 40/50 so it is very inspiring.

I have been doing OMAD for 3 months (though been doing various kinds of fasting for years) plus gym. The weight loss has been slow (about 10 pounds so far) but I am also losing inches and things like going up the stairs is easier. I also have curbed my sweet tooth a little (appetite correction) which is amazing.

I read to take waist measurements, blood pressure, pulse, photos in same clothes each month. Sometimes it is doing good work for you other than the scale.


M52. Started in April 22 at 343. CW:268. GW:175

I started 16:8, then 18:6. Then just started Omad most days. Over the last 5 months I would do a 24 hour fast for a few weeks, then 48 etc. next week planning my first 5 day. Ultimate goal 7 days (just a goal of my thanks to Dr Jamadas) . Then I will slow it down. Trying to push into the lower 200’s. Most days still Omad. On Friday or Saturday I might add a lunch.


49M. I started IF 4 years ago. I lost 40 lbs in about 6 months then stabilized my weight. Occasional OMAD. Usually 2 meals in an 6-8 hour window. Was eating the standard American crap. Still had more of a gut than I was happy with. I added keto about a year ago. Leaning more towards carnivore. Have only lost a couple pounds but 3 inches from my waist and feel great.


I just turned 40. The last year or two I was gaining weight rapidly without changing much about my lifestyle. I would try and fail with CiCO every now and then - starving. I work in diabetes research and have heard about IF over the years but thought it would be impossible - I was so hungry, how could I eat less?! But the rapid gaining had be looking for solutions - I was the heaviest I had been in my life.

I gave IF a shot and all of a sudden I was able to stick to my calorie goals! I’ve been doing 16:8 for about 5 weeks and lost about 10 lbs! That alone is so encouraging; but most encouraging is that it just feels so much EASIER than eating 3 small meals. There are times when I’m hungry, but it’s not ALWAYS like my traditional diet - I’m hungry a few hours each morning then full the rest of the day. It’s more tolerable for me. I’m still tracking my calories; it’s not a silver bullet alone but more of a competitive strategy.


40M with physical job & weight train 6 days a week.Feed from 8am-3pm during work, largest meal in the morning & drink about 3 gallons of H2O a day.Started at 6’ 220, Down 18lbs in 3 weeks to 202.Just hope I don’t look like a flying squirrel when I get to the goal.

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