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IF and drinking, how can I plan a day of drinking?

So I’ve been doing IF pretty consistently since February 1st and completely eliminated anything I thought would hinder my goals, smoking (dat devils grass) and drinking. My friends invited me to a winery and I didn’t want to completely flake. How can I manage to add wine tasting into my IF without making myself sick?

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Definitely eat breakfast, pace yourself, take electrolytes and most importantly have fun! Even if you happen to go nuts and drink too much and or eat too much, the next day will help convince you to get back on track 😂.


I just wanna add, be ready for a violent return to drinking. Maybe take the advice here and take the day off. With less food in the stomach, there is also nothing to stop the alcohol from being absorbed. You are now a much lighter lightweight than you were before.


I would just take the day and enjoys yourself. And be careful trying to cut back on food to make up for it or not eating before you start drinking, you’ll just end up worse off in the end. May be speaking from experience…

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Categories: sick electrolytes stomach alcohol