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IF and meal timing with carnivore for optimal muscle mass.

I typically train in the morning, come home, black cup of coffee, and then begin work.

I will work for around 3hrs or so and then eat my first meal. My second meal comes around 6-7hrs later. I am eating the same amount of calories as I was before I began IF which is around 3000cals for the day. I am Male, 225lbs and around 10%bf. I currently eat a carnivore diet which I find is best for satiety and physical performance. It is also far easier on my gut than eating carbs and or veges which typical bother me in one way or another.

I feel good, look good, and I am happy with my current regiment. I love not being a slave to meal number and meal timing whilst maintaining the physique and strength I have worked soo hard for.

However, I am curious about the fact that I train and then don’t eat directly after I lift or do cardio.

Am I possibly leaving some gains or performance benefits on the table by not immediately fueling my body after a workout?

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This is from memory and its all off the internet so who knows how valuable and accurate it is.Short answer: yesThat is maybe, its a long accepted “fact” that eating protein soon after a work out (30 minutes is a number stuck in my head) will help you recover faster and stronger. However that is based on a healthy balanced diet, not a proper human diet or carnivore diet.My opinion, and it’s just my opinion, is if your current routine works for you and you’re happy with it (and it appears it does and you are) to not screw it up chasing small % improvements.Unless you either want to or need those small improvements for a goal (setting a PR, qualifying for an event, etc)And You could always try eating sooner after your workout for a couple of months and see how you feel and how it works for you.

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