I’m curious about if combining IF with weightlifting is going to be beneficial for me, yes I do want to lose weight but I would rather focus on muscle growth and I’m reading a lot about how your body can’t gain muscles at the rate you might want if you’re not consuming enough calories. So do people eat a ton of calories on like a 20:4 schedule or something? I don’t want to miss out on gains by not consuming enough calories.
LOADS of gym rats take advantage of the GH/Test enhancements that come with IF, OMAD, and fasting ketosis. I myself used it for accelerated healing for many years while playing contact sports. I used an OMAD regimen most of the time with a 90 min window and used a ketostick before eating. I liked to see a ketosis at least two or three times a week and adjusted my eating, (by that I mean calories, not carbs!), and HIIT to make that happen. Every so often I’d throw in a 48 or 72 hour fast, just because it felt good. But this protocol took me years to evolve and was specifically suited to me and my performance needs. I recommend you get as much advice as you can from folks who actually use IF/Ketosis as a training principle and start experimenting and taking notes. The rewards for doing so can be life changing, IMHO. Good luck!