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IF + exercise

I do weight lifting 2x/week and Orange Theory Fitness 3x/week and am training for a half marathon. All of my workouts are done by 7:30am.

My eating window has been 11am-7pm.

My issue: I am told that it is important to consume protein within 30 minutes of workouts - especially intense weightlifting. Apparently this helps with muscle recovery. I can’t switch the time of my workouts, and switching my eating window 8am-4pm is not realistic. Does anyone have any tips for combining IF and hard workouts during your fasting period?

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That ‘anabolic’ window isn’t a thing, assuming you’re getting enough protein during your eating window. Now, for powerlifting, then I’d suggest eating as close to your exercise time as you can; but, again, it doesn’t have to be within 30 minutes.

For your cardio workouts, you have time. I’d track your progress with your current eating window. If you’re progressing the way you want to, and you still feel good and can get through your morning, then you might not have to change anything.

If you’re not progressing or feel like crap, then IF may not work for your current eating/workout plan.


I’ve read that high intensity workouts can trigger cortisol, which can lead to insulin being released and breaking a fast. How much of an insulin response? Probably depends on the person, but I try to prevent all insulin responses when I’m fasting.

YMMV, but it might be worth watching it if you notice a plataue starts happening.

I know you said it’s a schedule issue more than anything and I can relate, but I’d try my hardest to eat closer to a difficult workout.

I think it’s more of anaerobic exercise and high strength training where the chances of cortisol being released rise. Aerobic exercise is fine, and can be done as long as there is fat on the body and electrolytes are good. But once the heavy breathing starts the body gets stressed and makes cortisol.

Also, I always try to listen to my own body. Things are different for everyone, so if you’re body is sending good signals and you’re seeing results not applying the above, then I’d continue to do what works for you.


This Effects of Fasting podcast is really interesting. He discusses muscle growth and maintenance at around 1:03.

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