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If I'm going to slip up with my food, DO IT IN THE FEEDING WINDOW

I’ve been doing a combination of IF 8:16 and limiting my calories to \~1750 a day and I’ve seen some great results. Im about a month in and I finally gave. I ate probably 2/3 of a pint of ice cream. But I did it in the window where I’m supposed to be eating.

I know that its not probably realistic for me to stay away from cravings 100%, so limiting my occasional slip-ups to being in my eating window seems like the best thing to do. I think if I can keep the 8:16 100% consistent, I’ll have a much better shot at hitting my goals.

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As long as it’s in the feeding window you are still winning. I take the everything in Moderation approach. Saying a food is bad or forbidden makes me crave it more. By having it in the eating window you fill up fast so less likely to overeat or mindlessly binge eat one type of food.


Absolutely agree and this has probably been the key reason IF has been a life-changer for me. I normally try to abide by some nutritional guidelines and avoid some things. When the big cravings hit I just keep it in my window and make sure I shut that window and get back on the road. Sometimes, I’ll do a longer fast to balance things out a bit. But sticking to the window has been a constant and it’s a big reason I’ve made it this far through a few things that would have normally derailed my regimen completely and am continuing onward. The holidays were always where my fitness plans went to die. Now they’ll be a momentary blip in my progress.


The problem with cravings is that they are a slippery slope. I know for me i do better to not have the things i crave. If i do slip i get up and try to continue without. I think if you have those cravings, you plan to have them for certain events or timing but try your best to avoid the weakness binges. Everyone is different but I have followed weight loss success and failures for years and those that have longterm success tend to have their special treats for special times and dont beyond those times. Good luck


let’s go honest and accountable! journal and freeze frame every time you have minor ones and resist too! – reinforce good behaviors.


I am also on my way back – i allowed myself to suck at this stuff for a long time after a short period of success – we will do better!!

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