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IF results on visceral fat? Would love to hear from other's experience.

I would like to hear from people about losing weight SPECIFICALLY from the belly area. I have an overabundance of visceral fat in that area due to hormonal imbalance and would like to specifically lose the visceral fat.

I haven’t tried IF yet but am watching and learning.Has anybody had success with IF and visceral fat weight loss? To take it even further, has anybody had success with weight loss with hormonal imbalances? Has IF corrected your hormone imbalances? I know insulin levels are improved through IF.

My weight gain issues are related to higher testosterone, and maybe some other things, who knows. At one point, it was contributed to insulin levels but it looks as if long term use of a certain medication did end up correcting my insulin levels. (yay!)

I think my body type is a lean hourglass naturally, but the hormone imbalances redistributed my weight gain to my belly. I have an obvious spare tire but beneath that spare tire, I have a tiny waist I want to show off to the rest of the world.

How has your spare tire, lower belly fat been improved with IF?Thank you for sharing your experiences with me!

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Hello! Woman with PCOS here. My hormones are also out of balance, and most of my weight is in my gut. I tried a bunch of ways to lose weight, and nothing worked until I learned about fasting. I’ve never had it professionally scanned/measured, but while fasting I saw a huge improvement in the weight around my waist area. I’d highly recommend it.

What makes IF so great is that it helps with regulating hormones like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin. You can improve your results even more by cutting out sugar and processed foods. Aim for a whole food, natural diet (like paleo or keto) during your meals, and utilize IF in between, for best results :)


Hi! I have a similar issue as you due to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I’ve been on IF (20:4 & 18:6) for 5 months now, lost 35 lbs so far. I was amazed how easy it was to live this lifestyle!

IF won’t “target” any specific areas, slow and steady is the recommended way to go in order to achieve long term and sustainable results.

If you have hormonal imbalance & insulin resistance you can look into Myo-inositol, berberine & NAC. Good luck on your journey!


That’s where I put my fat. (Male, 38).

IF and calorie restriction is the only thing that works for me. At least, it’s the only healthy lifestyle of eating I can consistently manage. When I only get a few hours to eat I’m a lot more careful about what I eat, so I consume better calories and far less sugar.


I think that fasting has helped my hormonal issues as my period is now the most regular that it’s ever been. I’m lucky in that my belly can slim down pretty quickly (relatively speaking) and it’s not the last to go, as is the case with many.


“watching and learning” won’t make anything happen.

Tomorrow, finish eating by 7pm, then when you wake up don’t eat anything other than water, black coffee (Stevia for sweetener is ok) or plain tea until 11am (16hr fast).

Divide your calories for the day into thirds, eat one third for lunch, and two thirds for dinner. Wash and repeat for a week.

After that, same deal but don’t eat until 1pm (18hr fast). After that, consider OMAD.

You can do it, you need only the will to make your goals reality. Good luck.

Also the community here is AWESOME, lean on it for help.


Visceral fat is from alcohol and fructose (sugar) consumption so cut those out of your diet. If that doesn’t help then its just your genetics preferentially storing fat there which means you get to lose more weight if you want it gone.

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