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IF results over 40yo (F)

Hello, Im F(40) and weight 250lb. I’ve been fit a lot of times before but I can’t go to the gym anymore because of a inflamatory illness (my joints hurt a lot) I’ve been researching IF for a long time now and I see a lot of great results here. I wander if there are any woman over 40 here that can share they experience with me. Also I had some friends tell me that after 40 you can never really have a good result and IDK if it’s worth.

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I am 40F. In March I started 16:8 IF, tracking calories to ensure I’m in a deficit, and I follow the autoimmune protocol diet. I have Hashimotos hypothyroidism, a ruptured L5-S1 disk, and I’m a #oldmom (second and final baby was born in 2020; I ruptured my disk right before that pregnancy). Since March, I have lost 38 pounds and am pain free (seriously couldn’t sleep on my back because it was so painful). I’d say the diet changes helped my inflammation more than the weight loss, though I’m sure that is helping, too. I ride a stationary bike three times a week and do dumbbell strength training at home five times a week. It’s a lot of work to be consistent with these things, but my quality of life is exponentially better than it was prior to making these changes. You can do this!


I’m a 55-year-old woman, and I love IF. I do 16:8 or smaller eating windows every day. I also eat low-carb, and that has helped reduce inflammation in my joints. I already knew gluten was an issue for me (eating wheat caused major hip pain) but dropping the extra sugar and other carbs helped even more.

I’ve lost 37 lbs and have a ton of energy, and have been going to the gym or using resistance bands nearly every day. I’ve been doing it all since mid-June when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

There’s a good chance that if you eat clean and do IF you can reduce that inflammation and become more active again. If you’re like me, it’s at least worth a shot!


Hi! 56yo woman here. I’ve been doing IF for the past year and have lost 80lbs. Sw265, CW 185. I’m post menopausal with hypothyroidism and IF works great for me! I’m mostly 20:4. Edit to add I’ve had a bad knee for a long time and I’m considering buying high heels again because my knee feels so good these days :)


I’m 43. Been doing IF for 3 month and have lost 22 pounds! I don’t have an joint or inflammatory issues, but I feel awesome. So much more energy and my mood is greatly improved.

Go for it! It’s 100% worth it!!


I’m 44 and just started IF 2 weeks ago but I have been doing low carb/keto since July. I had bad hip pain which was progressively getting worse over the past 2 yrs. I couldn’t safely walk up/down stairs in the house without holding the rail since it would “twinge” with pain and potentially make me fall down. Thank goodness for the anti-inflammatory effects of low carb! Literally within 1 week of low carb/keto, I noted decreased hip pain. After 1 month I was able to go for walks again. My hip pain is 90% decreased now so it rarely twinges anymore and I no longer hold that stair rail. Right now I’m learning that IF also has anti-inflammatory effects too and SO many more health benefits. I say it’s totally worth it no matter what your age!


40+ here :) Whenever I stick to IF 18:6 consistently for at least a month I see results. I have been on and off but always go back and have never felt better or was able to maintain a relatively steady weight. I have back and knee pain, so I recommend walking, swimming and Pilates as exercise. Easy on the joints, steady progress and Pilates does wonders for back pain. Still waiting to see if it will help with knee pain.

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