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IF while BF?

Does anyone have experience with doing IF while nursing? Just trying to plan for when my little one gets here!

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Breast feeding made my appetite go through the roof. Far more than being pregnant. That would be really rough to do - especially when trying to initially establish your milk supply. I wouldn’t recommend it.


I did at around 10 months. I started doing OMAD and longer fasts. My supply quickly dropped, and hasn’t been the same nor do I think I’ll go back to how I was producing. I gained around 15 pounds while breast feeding because I felt so hungry all the time while nursing. I’m still nursing about 3 times a day but I wonder if by the last feed there’s even anything coming out.


I’m doing it at 9.5 months and my supply is about the same. But, I probably ate 1800 or less calories a day before I started this anyways, and I’m only doing 16/8. So it’s not a huge change from my previous diet.


I worked with lactation consultantation before and it’s not recommended because your energy demands are so high and your body essentially needs a round the clock energy for you to make food for your LO!

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