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IF with a history of weight gain and eating disorders, looking for a discussion.


I’ve worked with IF for the last three years, but haven’t since recently began to do it “long” time (currently 1 month in, 3kg down). I’m mostly doing IF for weight loss reasons, and it is working great with my “flexible” eating during my feeding window. I have to point it out straight that I have a history with eating disorders, both anorexia, and later binge eating disorder. I have because of that developed some fatty liver, some issues with my gallbladder and currently being overweight.

I do like IF, it help me focus, and it helps me move of the weight. I swim and do weight lifting, and have a lovely puppy that needs to be walked ever so often. That’s all my exercise.

I’ve had a great time with this current IF “plan”, I don’t restrict myself from what I can eat, and if I want to break my IF fast I do so, but I try to think of things as not black and white and more as 80% good, and 20% bad. Before my IF it was usually 95% bad and 5% good, and my past IF experiences have been a thinking of black and white mindset that messes with my mind and stops me from moving forward with my weight loss and happiness journey. The black and white thinking also fuels my binge eating when it evidently broke out in the past, it was just a matter of time. But with my current “plan” I can see me doing it for the long haul, having the right mindset with food.

Somehow IF keeps me going, and it fits my routine and lifestyle. I’m just looking for discussions and what you guys think of IF having struggled with weight and eating disorders, and the “danger” that can be associated with fasting and the liver and gallbladder.

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Several things to unpack.

I have no experience with eating disorders, so I can’t speak to that. I would guess some here though have and maybe they can give you guidance.

But for the health aspects, I believe IF to be very healthy for most people. It does great things for glucose levels, improves insulin resistance, helps with weight loss, etc. And it’s much closer to the way we evolved to eat.

I would strongly suggest you talk to your doctor especially since you have some underlying conditions. When I told my doctor he almost shouted “Love It!”.

I never thought I could do omad but it’s not that hard. I find I get kind of an energy buzz late afternoon.

I hope it works for you!

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