| | Water Fasting

I’m almost on my 5th day of fasting and I’ve notice a few things.

So I have a scale that shows my body water percentage, bmi,body fat,etc. I’ve noticed my body water went up, my overall weight went down a pound. My BMI and body fat went down as well but by like 0.2-0.5%. I did lose visceral fat tho which I am excited about. Is it normal for body water to go up ? I’ve heard it’s more common to go down sense you usually only lose water weight.

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It is absolutely 100% completely normal for your body to hold more or less water during a fast (or even when not fasting) for many different reasons, like hormones, stress, electrolytes, etc.
It fluctuates wildly and really quickly and will be different at different times of the day.
That’s why any one point of measure on a scale can’t be considered accurate, you need many over a long time so you can average out these fluctuations.
Don’t worry about any one time on a scale or any one measurement of retained water, it will likely be different to that in a couple of hours anyway.
If you really want to track this stuff, write down the number then move on, after you have collected enough data, make a graph, the only part of that graph that is important is the trend, is your body fat trending up or down?, the specific numbers are too susceptible to change and outside influences to be considered wholly accurate.


Body water percent? It is 100% impossible for a scale to tell that lol! And bodyfat and bmi is wildly inaccurate on scales. Just focus on the number of pounds each day and make sure it’s going down. I lose 0.8-1 pound a day fasting when I’m very overweight. About 0.4-0.6 when I’m leaner. Try to learn the increments that your body burns fat so you can tell in the future if things are going normally or somethings off. Also try to weigh yourself right when you wake up everymorning, but after you use the bathroom. The rest of the day your numbers will be off because you drank water so it won’t be accurate. Good luck!

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