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I’m at my limit with my migraines. Migraine sufferers, does IF seem to help you?

As my title says, I’m a migraine sufferer. I get migraines 2-3 times a month that last a minimum of 2 days. Blindness, nausea, pain (obvi), the whole shebang. I’ve seen numerous doctors and I’m now seeing a homeopathic doctor that’s recommending IF to see if it fixes migraines.

Thing is, I swear my migraines can be triggered by hunger. If there’s any migraine sufferers here, does IF seem to help you? If so, what’s your routine?

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I had migraines for months. They were triggered by CHANGES in my eating window. My eye doctor said my eyes were misaligned and gave me a prescription for Prism lenses (not a regular prescription) and I have only had one migraine sense. I think IF might be helpful long term, but it also might be aggravating. Your brain can be really sensitive to blood sugar changes. I wish I could be more helpful. A full vegan diet helped me for awhile too but the glasses have been most effective. Good luck


How is it that you’re seeing a homeopathic doctor rather than a neurologist?

Migraine specialists are a practice in neurology. Homeopathy is absolute bullshit that has been proven to have ZERO chance of treating illness.

This is not an intermittent fasting problem. It’s a poor judgment problem; you made the decision to get medical care from a snake oil salesman.


IF doesn’t seem to impact my migraines negatively, although at the moment they are very well managed (Botox, but you wouldn’t qualify with 2-3 a month the cutoff is 15+ per month). Try it out, I find when I IF I feel better generally, and less tired which helps keep mine at bay. Also… see a neurologist that specializes in migraines. Not just any neuro, one that specializes in migraine. It’s available in my tiny, rural state so it probably is wherever you are as well.



IF is actually sort of a migraine trigger for me, I have to be pretty careful with the timing.

Yes periods were my main trigger too. That’s unavoidable, you aren’t going to prevent them by eating differently. But my headaches have been well controlled for 20 years now with sumatriptan shots, and honestly medicine once a month is less disruptive than anything else I tried. And untreated migraine is a stroke risk, don’t mess around.


Did they explain why they think it might help…. Did you ask? Also one of my previous partners would get severe migraines and the only thing that ever worked for her was m.d. psilocybin. Just something to consider.

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