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I’m not sure if fasting could help me

I’m 5’7, 107kgs and recently diagnosed with Arthritis in my left knee. Doctor has advised me to lose weight via exercise but it isn’t really possible with my condition as I have trouble walking.

So, will fasting without much exercise help me lose weight? I’ve to lose about 33kgs to meet normal BMI as I’m obese right now.

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I lost 172 pounds with a combination of intermittent fasting, occasional extended fasts, eating low-glycemic foods and precisely ZERO exercise. And when I say zero, I mean I didn’t so much as take a walk around the block. Weight loss is 99% what you put in your mouth.


Of course. Best thing for you, will reduce inflammation and the weight will drop off.

Love exercise but it leaves me famished and I tend to eat the calories burnt. I exercise for mental health.

I was 6ft 4/112kg. Dropped down to 98kg in 6 weeks, I do carry a ton of water weight and bloat though when I carb up. 😂

Fast to lose weight…

Good luck, us bigger lads have it easier when it comes to fasting. First 24 are always the hardest make it to 72 and the fog lifts and you feel great.

I’m a Type 1 diabetic which makes it extra complicated. I can’t fast past 5 days without blood sugar going too low.


If you’ll combine the fasting with eating a low inflammation diet, you’ll do even better. Avoid sugar and seed oils and as many processed foods as possible. Search it for details. It has made a ton of difference for me.


Exercise does not truly facilitate weight loss. AT MOST, 15% of your caloric burn is discretionary. You would have to do an hour of high intensity cardio (500 calories) to burn off 4 cookies.Weight management happens in the kitchen not the gym. The gym is for fitness.Put the fork down.


Fasting combined with a low carb/keto diet will help the inflammation. As for exercise, ask your doctor for some exercises you can do sitting, or check out some of the seated exercise programs on YouTube. That way you can start strengthening your leg muscles even while it’s difficult to walk.


Yeah, not eating is going to help you lose weight. Sorry, man, but all those people saying that “starvation mode” is meaning they keep all their fat are lying. Humans have fat so they can go through times of not eating. If you don’t eat, you’re gonna burn fat for fuel, and will in turn lose the weight.


There’s actually a lot of exercise you can do without putting pressure on your joints or even standing. Look up pilates, floor barre and other exercises you can do on a mat on youtube. You can also use a theraband if you want to add some tension.


yes it will help but really it will be what comes after that if you go back to your old ways of eating/drinking it will come back

fasting is only a part of the equation you will need to take a hard look at your eating habits


Dr. Jason Fung’s “Complete Guide to Fasting” is a great resource. His book “Life in the Fasting Lane” is also good but it is a little less detailed and more about personal stories.

Check out your library to see if it is available. My library has “Life in the Fasting Lane” available for download as an audiobook so I gave it a listen while I did chores and what nots.


Sounds like me, though I had a bit less weight to lose…

I have Arthritis in my left knee and am waiting for it to get bad enough to replace. A replacement is definitely in my future. I was also advised to lose weight - though I have more like 40lbs to lose.

I started intermittent fasting and keto about a month ago. I’ve definitely lost a fair bit of weight, and that’s great. My knee is also *worlds* better - and it’s not just weight. All pain not associated with walking is gone. 99% of pain while walking is gone. I no longer need a knee brace. And, the kicker, I dropped all pain meds - and I was taking some very serious pain meds. There have been a lot of other benefits as well.

I could not recommend it more.

As far as exercise, I swapped to biking and swimming. I love biking but it’s winter now so eh, and I’m getting to actually like swimming. I did all of this long ago because it was all I could do with the knee. It didn’t really help with the weight. I gained straight through the exercising. Cutting the carbs and IF helped with the weight. And so, so much with everything else.

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