| | Water Fasting

I’m shocked.. :)

So i’ve been a lurker for some time now. I’ve fasted before, years ago and made great progress, i went from 165 to 140 in about a year (24 y.o F) but after 2020, i quit smoking weed, and gained all the weight back and then some. My HW was 209, currently at 196. I’ve been trying to get back on track recently, and I was never able to go a full 24 hours without eating. Honestly, i feel like since i quit smoking weed (which i did extremely frequently) i would eat to fill that void. Happy, sad, stressed, anytime whenever. I have a vacation coming up on the 25th, and I’m trying to lose as much as possible before then. So i told myself stop playing around & get serious. I started my fast Sunday night around 11 pm, and slipped up yesterday at around 7 pm as it was a family members birthday and i felt so pressured. No big deal, i felt guilty for a little bit but I haven’t eaten since then, and I plan on continuing my fast until Saturday (birthday dinner i can’t refuse) and then starting up again until the 23rd before my trip. But honestly, i’m so proud of myself. Its been such a struggle with feeling horrible about my body. And even though my fast was only around 43 hours, its truly amazing to me that I was able to accomplish it, and continue it because the hunger is real today (probably because i ate last night lol) but i’m really shocked and proud, and especially surprised that I haven’t been as grouchy, miserable, or having mood swings, none of that. I feel pretty content, even as a I feel the hunger come and go. I just can’t believe I did it and I can’t wait to accomplish more and drop some of the weight before vacay, whatever amount it may be (any guesses? lol) I’m just so happy!

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>i quit smoking weed, and gained all the weight back

How the heck did weed keep you lean? Were you like taking bong rips mid-marathon and then sacking out on the couch eating a drum of carrot sticks and celery to appease the munchies?

These things strike me as odd bedfellows


Good job. I would consider ending your fast more than a couple days before your vacation just because it will take a bit for your body to adjust to food again and you’ll want to be able to enjoy your vacation without getting the 💩

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