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I’m so confused about different supplement brands and their “quality”.

I hear so many mixed things. Like some brands being safer than others and such. Or higher quality. I just want Vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements lol. Maybe B12.

I have no idea what to believe anymore. Like wow, I just want a few supplements?

Someone share some wise words with me.

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I’ve worked in the supplement industry for 5 years and here are some brands that I find to be most reputable: Garden of Life, Mega Food, New Chapter, Now, Nordic Naturals and Barleans.

You’re pretty safe to go with any brand of vitamin D (generic or CVS brand for example). Fish oil I personally prefer Nordic Naturals brand because it doesn’t give me the fish burps. But Garden of Life has good fish oil too and they focus on sustainability. B12 you probably don’t need to supplement with unless you are a strict vegan or have some major medical issues going on, but I would suggest going with a B complex instead of just B12 if you are concerned about your levels. Again you could use a generic brand, it really doesn’t need to be fancy.

As always, talk with your physician about any supplements you are taking and get your blood work done.


let’s start from the fact that you don’t need supplements aside from b12, if you are vegan. don’t let anyone tell you any different.

with that said you can take vitamin D from the sun, all you need is 30 minute exposure under direct sunlight 3 days a week from 11:00 to 14:00.

omega 3 you cn take from flax seed oil.

vitamin b12 find the best source. ask a doctor.


You can take plenty of iron and magnesium from legumes. Check the nutritional values.If you have weird medical conditions you are an outlier, not part of the statistics. My recommendations are for normal people.


I took a vitamin and nutritional supplements class, and as you can probably guess, not a lot of supplements are equal. That being said- a lot of people need them. The SAD (standard American diet) does not give us what we need unless you are diligent about “five a day” and cycling produce colors (for varied phytochemical intake, ie eating the rainbow).

According to my professor who was naturopathic doctor, he trusts Natures Bounty. THIS IS ONE OPINION, and I honestly can’t entirely remember why. There IS some sort of certification process supplements can get in the US to make them more trustworthy/standard.

For personal reference/recommendation, I take a vitamin B complex by Solgar that has drastically helped my energy (chronic fatigue issues).

And capsules are generally more digestible than tablets.

Hope this helps a little!

Edit: **This is to assume you are in America. Our diets suck overall.

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