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I’m so Fucking Fat

225 M 5’10

I’m a fatass. I can’t lose weight. Everytime I try I can’t finish a fast.

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You’re not fat, you’re toxic and nutrient deficient and your body is trying to keep you alive by tucking away toxins in fat and calcium, out of the blood supply, so that you don’t overload your liver and kidneys with toxins. Once you start detoxing your food, body products, and cleaning products (eco-friendly and non-toxic only!) and give your body the minerals and nutrients it needs through high quality mineral supplements, the fat will literally fall off with very little effort. But, say nice things to yourself in the meantime, your soul is Divine, it’s just trapped in a meat suit that you need to take better care of. Tell your body you love it and you’re grateful for it and tell it that it’s lean and healthy. Nothing gained by beating yourself up all the time.


I just completed a 6 day fast and whenever i started getting flakey i just re-visualised my belly fat as meals I’d already eaten and still needed to dissolve via fasting. My refeed days consisted of meat, fresh greens, eggs, and dairy in various forms. I’m about to do another 6 day fast using the same protocols. That’s what helps me - hope that helps you.


What are you eating. If you’re failing fasts, even 48’s, I’d say you need to correct what you’re eating between fasts. I’d recommend going full carnivore as it eliminates carbs and gives you good protein and fat. Beef and salt + eggs if you want. If you go carnivore and drink the snake juice and still can’t get through 48’s… then you need to toughen up mentally, honestly. Take control of your life and do what you need to do.


It’s really not that hard to lose weight. Just make smart decisions in what you eat and workout. Simple. Feeling sorry for yourself does not achieve anything. If you can’t handle fasting try a actual DIET. Fasting is only for the short term if you can’t learn how to eat properly you will gain all the weight back. Trust me it happened to me I dropped from 255 to 221 in 2 months then went back up to 241, now I’m sitting somewhere in 230s. I gave up on fasting and I’m now trying to teach myself actual food discipline.


You can do it, but you may fail a dozen more times before you can do it. Just don’t give up. Giving up is not defined by ending your fast early, it’s defined by never trying again. I’ve been in the same boat as you, don’t give up and you will eventually make it. Lets go, me and you Monday do a 24 hour fast to start, what do you say? Pm me if you like. I’m 245lbs and 6ft.

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Categories: lose weight a fast liver kidney mineral meat protocol carbs beef tea 24 hour fast