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I’m trying to get back into it when I fell off because I’ve been battling binge eating disorder.

What is the best way to combat the urge to binge so I can fast properly instead of using OMAD as an excuse to eat hundreds and hundreds of calories

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If your suffering from an eating disorder, IF is generally not recommended by professionals. Honestly i would seek the support of a Doctor that specializes in eating disorders to help. Good luck in your journey


I have binge issues and OMAD actually seems to help me with that. I always make myself start with a nutrient dense, healthy meal with lean protein, veggies and fruit. After I’m full from that I eat some “bad food” then cut myself off for the day. Everyone is different so I hope you find something that works for you.


Are you getting professional help with this? I think that is your best first step.

I think I’m not understanding the question about OMAD. Shouldn’t people be eating several hundred calories during that one meal, in order to get the nutrients they need? Are you talking about making poor food choices for that meal? Or about eating hundreds of calories?

I wish you all the best and hope that you can find help with your eating disorder through a qualified medical professional. Good luck.


I’ve had some pretty severe issues with binge eating, particularly over the last few years. I really love IF, but I found as well that it was problematic for my binge eating issues. You should speak to a doctor, but what I found really helpful was reducing my carbohydrate intake. What I’m doing now is an approximation of the ketogenic diet in my eating window. For me, this stops my cravings. I don’t eat outside my window, nor do I feel any need to. Im eating more fat and protein which keeps me full. The key to it was not spiking my insulin with sugars found in carbs. Maybe that could be an option for you. Good luck, it’s tough out there but there are ways to overcome.


You should be eating hundreds and hundreds of calories, especially on OMAD or other short window schedules.

The trick is in the planning. You can’t go all day without eating and then just open the fridge and wing it. Nor can you only plan to eat a few hundred calories to break the fast and then expect to sensibly wing it it after that. All of this is even worse if you are using food for emotional support, to fight boredom, or procrastinate. It’s also a struggle if your hunger/satiety cues are out of whack. (I’m no longer hungry after a few bites, yet can eat way too much before I feel uncomfortable.)

This doesn’t mean you have count every calorie, but you might need to plan and think about it more than what you might be doing. So you can feel assured that you will eat enough, but not too much.


I use water, caffeine, and an early bedtime. Also i use a fast tracker app, and it helps me feel like i’m making progress while not eating.

Also food choices and CICO matters. Try to track your intake and eat foods rich in protein.

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Categories: binge eating disorder tea omad calories fruit carbohydrate keto eating window sugar carbs struggle a fast