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In need of support

Yesterday what was meant to be a board game night with my neighbours turned out to be let’s get drunk game night, and waking up hungover today has been a complete write off, failing on omad, deficit and healthy foods (pizza, oj, cheesey eggs, etc) and I’m spiralling. I keep thinking that I either need to compensate by fasting for a several days until I’ve made up the caloric over spend, or just giving up because I’ve already failed. I know these are both ridiculous but I’m struggling and don’t really have anyone to talk to about this irl.

ETA - This is the most supportive community, thankyou for making me feel welcome and like I’m not failing. It’s a little bit overwhelming, so thankyou, having a little cry right now before bed because of you all now.

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Yesterday, I broke my fast with a danish, and then my dinner was corn dogs and ice cream during a rare night out with friends. Do I feel great about it today? Absolutely not. Does it happen once in a while? Yes. Am I still in love with I F as a lifestyle? Absolutely. Because every day is a new day! Doing a longer fast to compensate it doesn’t seem crazy. Doing a day of eating only salad is also worthwhile, in my book. This is such a flexible and forgiving way of life. Excuse yourself, enjoy yourself, and move on!


Bright side is after doing the right thing for a couple of days afterwards, you’ll get to see how your body reacts and how much time this social opportunity cost you - but it’s only time and you need to look at IF as a lifestyle not a race or diet that you can go off of later.

I find with my body that a typical night out where I’m not very good can delay progress by up to a week. After recovering lost progress, I’ve often been able to make new progress quicker or sometimes break through plateaus, so it’s not all bad.

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Categories: omad deficit struggling dinner corn recover tea