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Increasing my fasting period slowly but is there anything else I should be doing?

I just started IF this Monday for weight loss purposes but also because I really like the self discipline it encourages. This is the first time I’ve fasted, in the past I would do random 24hour fasts all the time in the past. I’d feel victorious when I completed but it was too intense so I wouldn’t do it again for months.

Not I’ve set out to fast 18:6 and slowly add an hour to my fasting period till I’m at 23:1 and then reevaluate to see if maybe 20:4 is more for me. Anyways I feel like this is a good approach for me in the long term. But I do want weight loss so is there anything else I should be focusing on/introducing? I’m not really expecting to lose much at 18:6 but should I be cutting snacks, limiting carbs.

If there is anything could you give me small steps towards adding it? I don’t think I can do big changes plus IF right now.

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Consistency and discipline is the key. I8:6 is good enough if you are regular and have control over your diet. Do not be in a hurry to increase this without practicing this for a month atleast. Your aim should be for long term and permanent weight loss rather than a quick and erratic or fluctuating one.


Exercise! You don’t need to join a gym or lift crazy heavy weights, you just need to move. You want small steps, and that’s the perfect way to make an overall lifestyle change become permanent.

Start with going for daily walks. Add things in as you feel you can handle them, or plateau in your progress. Stuff like push-ups, lunges, squats, heck even jumping up and down a bunch will get your heart rate up and muscles working!

You can do this. Good luck!


I’ve seen a lot of people lose significant weight on this forum with 18:6. You can do a search on 18:6 to see what people have accomplished!

I think the most successful fasting schedule is the one you can stick with, and almost any schedule can work really well if you can dial in what you’re eating. For some people that’s counting calories, for others that’s switching to low carb, and some eat intuitively and lose weight. (Not me - my intuition is a big fan of flamin’ hot limon Cheetos 🤣.)

If you can force yourself to start a little more slowly, stick with 18:6 for a little bit and make it two reasonable meals without snacks. In the past when I’ve gone super aggressive in quickly ramping up my hours I’ve also found myself overeating in the compressed window. There are studies showing that we have a limited amount of willpower, and when we’re focused on one goal we slip on others. That’s why I’d recommend on choosing a comfortable eating window so your willpower and attention can be on dialing in the nutrition.

Good luck with whatever approach you take!


For 23:1 or OMAD, you can cut carbs to make ketosis/fasted a little more efficient but either way, you’re going to enter a ketosis/fasted state. It’s the same with 18:6 and 20:4 with the ketosis/fasted period being less, obviously.


Stay hydrated. Consume enough calories, if anything start at maintenance calories to start and just focus on the timing of the fasting and eating window to fit your lifestyle. Once you get used to the schedule of your choice then tune the food. That way it wont wear you out.

Example I eat from 2pm to 8pm, and fast 8pm till 2pm so thats 18 hours fasting and 6 hours eating because I matched it to my work schedule. Today I did my first 20 hour fasting and 4 hour eating, tomorrow Im going back to 18 and 6 like do regularly during my work week.

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