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Insulin response from “flavored” zero-calorie beverages? Does mint tea break a fast?


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I drink mint tea when I’m fasting. It’s not sweetened, and I don’t believe it in any way hampers my fasts or makes me hungry. I don’t think your perceived sweetness is analogous to the sweetness we experience with sugar or sugar substitutes.

Dr Fung approves of mint tea as a fasting aid, and I believe most who study fasting find herbal tea taken without sweeteners or milk/cream/added calories are absolutely fine.


I am certainly no expert, but I’ve been reading and watching YouTube videos like a crazy person lately. I do not remember exactly where I heard/read this, but I am fairly certain that the fasting podcast ladies said they make a home-made peppermint breath spray to use while they were fasting. They are very knowledgeable so I think if they are ok with it, it is probably ok. Although I’ve also read that what spikes insulin for some, does not always spike insulin for others. So we are all snowflakes!

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