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Intermittent Dry Fasting

Just for context I am a 200ish pound 17 year old boy, and I don’t really exercise that much and I don’t eat very much junk food but I make a lot of food for myself and it tends to be somewhat unhealthy. (The next paragraph is the story about how I accidentally started this; there’s more info below that.)

Okay so I have tried dry fasting and never gotten past 3 days. In part because I find it hard and also there is a lot of temptation. My family would not support it so I don’t tell them and they get suspicious if they don’t see me eat or drink for a while. Anyway one day I decided that I was going to start dry fasting for as long as I could (probably was going to be a few days) but later that night my family decided that we would have dinner together as a family so that plan went to shit. The next morning I weighed myself and found that I had lost about a pound. I was going to try again that day but I got thirsty had drank some water late in the evening and then made some food because I had already messed up the dry fast. The next morning I checked my weight and it had gone down about a pound again. Then I thought that I would just continue doing this.

Anyway it’s been 5 days and the average daily loss is 1.16 pounds. I’m sharing this for two reasons. The first is for accountability, and the second is because I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before. For me it’s easier than dry fasting or wet fasting, and a bit more effective that wet fasting. I also haven’t changed my diet (mostly somewhat unhealthy food) at all, I just eat less of it because I eat for less time. If you have tried any kind of fasting and find it hard, I strongly encourage you to try this. Comment if you want me to do updates on how it’s going.

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Very cool, it’s awesome that you are experimenting on yourself and trying to get healthy!! Health is holistic and requires change of habits in order to sustain. Dry fasting is the most extreme type of fasting and can give you super quick results in a short amount of time (I’ve lost 15 lb on 5 days…) but if you don’t create new good habits while breaking the old bad habits you are just creating a cycle and never actually fixing the problem. The fasting is great and I hope it encourages and gives you the strength to eat a more healthy diet and exercise more. Health is holistic, that includes you diet, your exercise, even you emotions and attitude all play a huge part in your health. You are young, I would suggest starting these good habits now by changing your diet and exercising—these will yield long term sustainable results. Obviously you are already on a good path and are wanting to become healthier…but don’t rush into it because it’s hard to keep healthy habits if you jump in quickly or are just focused on the results rather than the process. I’m speaking from my own experience and hope my words are able to continue your growth.


Well, you said you had never gone more than three days – But 3 days is good! Three days is quite good. … … And, i know, if you’re living with your family, it can be difficult to have the freedom to fast – I wasn’t able to fast much until i left and started living alone.

Side note: I started dry fasting about – I guess like 14 hours ago. So now is the hour of temptation 😊 … Usually right at the end of the day / bedtime. 😊 yep !

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