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Intermittent Fasting + ADHD medication

Hello all,

I have been practising IF for just under a year now, and I’ve found the efffects to be immeasurable. Before, I was constantly bloated and really struggled to lose weight. Now, I feel great, mentally and physically - I’m about 15lbs down and I have no intention of stopping.

However, I recently got started on Vyvanse for ADHD (30mg) and if I don’t eat a huge breakfast with it I get huuuugely anxious. However my eating window has consistnelty been 1pm-7pm (which I have cut down from 12pm to 8pm over several weeks). I have found breaking my fast has really impacted my skin, gut and digestion issues and general MH. However, taking the Vyvanse without food pretty much guarentees an awful day (insane anxiety, insomnia, all that fun stuff).

I did have anxiety previously, but starting intermittent fasting nipped it squarely in the bud. That among a few other factors (mindfulness, better eating, taking control of my life) has seen the back of this entirely for nearly a year now. However, one dose of Vyvanse brings it right back, which is horrible! I do feel the benefits otherwise FTR, but would obviously prefer not to be an anxious wreck all the time.

Changing my fast window isn’t an ideal option as cooking and enjoying dinner is a huge staple in my routine. I enjoy going out for food, cooking for friends, hosting parties, ect, so I would like to avoid this. I really don’t want to have to stop IF. However, I think with a combination of treating my ADHD and contiuing to fast, I will be the best version of myself. But, I can’t seem to find any solutions.

My next port of call is to try Concerta, which I’ve heard is great for anxiety in general and doesn’t require a huge meal to sustain appetite and effectiveness. At the very least, I was considering taking it when I end my fast with my first meal, at 1/2pm.

I think this is more of a question for those in this wonderful community who are on the ADHD spectrum/medication and still manage to IF. What did you do, what did you try, what worked, how long have you been doing it? I am truly desperate to keep feeling my best, looking great whilst treating this disorder.


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I do Vyv & IF and I understand what you say about anxiety. For me, I get a little “grumpy” and hyper focused on the Vyv, but the Vyv actually also suppresses my appetite, so I consider it a helper. That being said, I chose to go down on my regular dose of 20 to 10. I take the remaining 10 if needed (based on work/life) and ride out a 20 hour fast window to about 2 pm, then eat a little if I like, and then proper dinner around 5.

If I push off the does till later in the day, it affects my sleep significantly, so that’s a no go for me. I take it 1st thing in the morning and use it as a charger for the day until I break my fast and chill.

Others here will say that you need to do what works for you. And I agree. If the Vyv is too harsh (it is for many) then try something different.

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