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Intermittent Fasting Having No Effect After Months?

I learned about the 16:8 version of intermittent fasting in November. I was already nearly there unintentionally by not eating breakfast for years. It wasn’t hard for me to stop eating earlier at night and wait an extra hour in the morning.

However, I wasn’t seeing any changes after two months and decided to push it up to an 18:6 fasting schedule.

In the last six months, my weight has actually gone up 5 or 10 pounds, as noticed when I go to the doctor for check-ups. I don’t use a scale at home because of a past ED. I measure myself every week for the last two months, and haven’t had any size changes in that time.

I usually make my own meals at home, and eat very little processed food. I have a physically active job, but do not otherwise work out. Because of this job, I can’t go a whole day without eating while at work. I drink at least 90oz of water a day, starting with unsweetened herbal tea in the morning until my first meal.

Also to note, I started testosterone hormone therapy two months ago, and my appetite has increased noticeably.

I’d like to lose 25 or 30 pounds, as that would still be in a healthy weight range for me. If not by weight, I’d like to lose at least 6 or 8 inches off my waistline. But I don’t want to fall back into destructive eating and exercise routines that took me years to get out of. I thought intermittent fasting was a good compromise, but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

Any advice?

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If you’re not losing weight, then you’re eating too much, compared to what you spend.

Since you have a history of ED, I would try and adjust really slowly. Start with the easy stuff: can you find anything in your food that you could easily get rid of, eat less of, or sub for something less caloric ?

What do you typically eat in a day ?

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