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Intermittent fasting hieght growth

I was wondering the effects of intermittent fasting on teens during growth and can It help increace hieght with the increased growth hormone. As a teen myself I am getting adequate nutrient intake during my eating 8 hour eating window at a little over 2000 calories. I’m 15 years old eat 2200 calories in my eating window standing at 5^10 160 yes I’m eating enough.

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at 15, your height is mainly determined by previous estrogen levels. Estrogen causes your bones to stop growing and in females, it has already happened at 15 while in males it has partially happened. In males, when we produce large quantities of free testosterone, our body converts some of it to estrogen which slowly makes our bone growth slow, which is permanant. This typically finalizes between the age of about 16-21, with the last few years of growth being extremely limited.

This is actually a good thing as being too tall for our genetic plan we would be more prone to bone fractures, back injuries and joint injuries.

Obviously not getting enough nutrition will stunt your growth more than having large amounts of estrogen will but having large amounts of testosterone is also due to an abundance of nutrition. Couple that in with body fat’s estrogenic effect and I am not sure what the out come would be, but assuming you are eating proper food every day in enough quantity, regardless of eating window, i cannot see it being a bad thing for over all height.

This is not medical advice. I am not a medical professional. stay safe.


Not an expert, not giving medical advice.

From what i’ve read, with the correct genetic info (tall genes, that might be a capacity rather than a mandate);

enough nutrients, sleep, exercise;

and reduced general inflammation (by no smoking/drinking and also limiting those foods that might produce an inflammatory response [sugar and too much carbs, plus individual particularities that might be explored by allergic tests or elimination diets without neglecting nutrients])

It might be possible for you to reach your genetic max height easier than by not caring about it at all.

Sadly there is no direct evidence since it’s hard to convince everyone to make their kids follow a certain dietary regime, and also there is no way to compare them with a control group (unless you have twins, but imagine the guilt of affecting one of them somehow).

Although what we know is that bad nutrition, no stimuly, and poor sleep certainly affect hormones, ergo affecting gene expression.

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