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Intermittent fasting only works like a charm only the first few times ?


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For me (32F) losing weight used to be much easier when I was younger. My problems were lack of activity, being truely more sedentary and just eating more overall. My hormones overall started impacting me more in the last 5 years.

So when doing IF now, I have to make a conscious effort to eat less and remain in a caloric deficit. I also had to significantly increase my activity levels as I’ve lost muscle mass and therefore expend less energy overall.

If you’re struggling with results, you may have to dig into how much you’re eating (calories wise), what you’re eating (macros if you want to track that) and how your physical activities have changed.

I personally don’t count calories or track macros anymore because I obsess over it and can get into a dark place but my progress is much slower because I don’t go super hard with nutrition. If I wanted to get a different body composition I’d definitely look more into either calorie counting or tracking macros.


If we are talking about fat loss, intermittent fasting works as a framework, which helps you to keep the calories down.

With age you also might be loosing some hormonal advantage of youth, which translates to worse BMR.
So in away, IF works all the time. There are even some additional benefits, if you don’t eat at night - than your body has a bit more time to repair itself.

But you have to play alongside.


Is there anything else you’re doing different now vs before? Anything else in your life that’s changed? Stress? Hormones? Illness? Medication? Sleep pattern/quality? Training frequency, type, and intensity? Have you had a check up to determine if you have any deficiencies? Are you calorie tracking? We’re terrible at estimating (over or under) how much we truly consume. What’s help me tremendously, is tracking, decresing stress levels, and weight training. Just some ideas!

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