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Intermittent fasting trained me to eat until i feel extremely full

I feel like intermittent fasting trained me to eat until my tummy feels extremely full. It became like a task to achieve that full feeling so my body can tell me to stop eating. This makes me overeat. Feel like i need to stop intermittent fasting for this sole reason.

With intermittent fasting, i don’t feel hunger except in the mornings when i first wake up. I don’t know how to un-train myself or if i should just stop intermittent fasting altogether.

Did you experience this problem? If so how did you overcome it? I have gained weight and not lost since intermittent fasting.

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When on IF, you’re no supposed to stuff yourself to the max during your eating window. Do you overeat to “compensate” and make sure you’ll have enough to last the fast? This sounds like something more linked to the mind than the body.

A solution could be to plan your meals in advance so you can do some portion control. Ideally, cook in advance in batches and make normal portions. Especially the last meal of your fast. Once you realize you can go through your fasting window withour stuffing yourself, you’ll have no reason to keep doing it.

Also, drinking a lot of fluids, eating large portions of vegetables… will help you feel full without exploding your calory count. Eat slowly, don’t eat while watching tv, focus on your meal. Eating on IF isn’t supposed to be a chore, you should not force yourself. Just enjoy a meal like you would do if you were not on IF.


IF is about learning how to control your appetite. I came into IF already trained to eat until full, so OMAD helped me immensely. Maybe a different schedule would work better for you. What have you tried so far?


Is it an emotional state? Some people could probably be triggered if you use food to cope with stress. If so maybe just do time restricted eating? Where you have your 2 or 3 meals within 20-30 min and no separate snacks


This was a big part of why I switched from an 18/6 IF schedule to a modified 5/2 schedule. On days I’m eating, I try to eat at my TDEE and have healthy, balanced meals. Once I’m at my goal weight, I can just make that routine my “every” day, or continue with 5/2 and up my calories on the non-fasting days.

It’s still a little trouble to avoid binging at breakfast after the fasting days, but its a battle I fight once or twice a week, not every day.


Havent felt that full from a meal, i mean Im not like forcing myself to eat everything like not that kind of full. I use the myfitnesspal website and cellphone app to build my meal plan for the day ahead so I can see where to increase or decrease my food macronutrients (protein, fats, carbs). But I do tend to feel full alot sooner than I used to when I eat.


I have had a similar issue. I think just because left free-range, I’m more naturally inclined to graze here and there rather than eat a big meal.

When I was on IF OMAD with keto, I lost a lot of weight, but got in the habit of eating past full because I wanted to make sure I got enough calories. When I went off IF and keto, I rapidly gained the weight back. Partially because of the pandemic and a sudden lack of exercise, but I wonder how much of that was eating when I wasn’t hungry.

Currently, I take fiber supplements before I eat and make sure I drink plenty of water to help. Personally, I think my best choice (even though I hate feeling like I failed at my fast) would be to end a fast early rather than overeat.


Start with plenty of greens: spinach, lettucr, onion, tomato, cucumber

Then move on to the protien:preferaby lean meat

Then the fat (healthy fat that is)

And then finally attack the carbs.

If you follow this order, you will find your appetite getting whetted prematurely and avoiding over eating

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