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is 72 hours enough for immune cell regeneration?

First time fasting and im at 70th hour right now, i aimed at 72 hours but im a bit indecisive about when should i stop so that i can get more health benefits. I don’t have any weight issues but i want to enhance my immune system and immune cells to be regenerated as much as possible.

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If it’s your first fast, I’d try to go into 5 days.
You can probably squeeze more regeneration into 3 days if you do a keto prep and deplete glycogen on a first day… but science is kinda murky on this topic.


If you have underlying health issues, listen to your body first and foremost


If you want the benefits I find it easiest to think of a fast as a car accelerating (someone else on this board described it this way and I love it). We spend the first 3 days accelerating up to speed and then every hour after that we’re getting the full benefit of traveling at top speed. If you try to drive down the highway by stopping every time you hit the speed limit and then starting up again, you won’t get nearly as far as the person who simply got up to speed and kept traveling


For me, I fast for health. Any time I get past 60-70 hour range I feel FANTASTIC and want to squeeze as much out of the fast as I can (currently just shy of 90 on this one). Once my body taps out, that’s my cue to stop. But I do try to just go because I know every hour after 72 is another hour worth of amazing work my body is doing for me

I hope that helps and good luck! You’re in the golden zone now and if you feel good, I think you should just keep going

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