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Is coke really bad for you?

I tend to consume a can of coke probably 3 times a week… I’m an athlete but I really love coke. What are some cons of drinking coca-cola, and how will my health be affected? Please give me some input! thank you!

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It’s terrible if you have a sedentary lifestyle and drink it daily. Empty calories and can also affect your teeth.

3x times a week if you’re active and don’t consume much sugar otherwise is fine. Could be affecting you in mild ways if you’re sensitive to sugar, though.


Yeah it’s definitely bad for you. But eating a 100% healthy diet and not exercising at all is bad for you too. So like we all have to find a balance and you’re doing this in moderation while having a very active lifestyle and that is completely different than someone who is sitting on the couch drinking liters of soda.


Yes, but that’s ok, just depends on your goals.


No one, from the average person to an elite athlete intakes 100% healthy products 100% of the time, from athletes that use soda Pop for mid or post-workout to the plethora of bodybuilders who eat pop-tarts, there’s a benefit to treating yourself.


Trying to kick a coke addiction rn and at my highest I was drinking almost a case a day (12- 12 ounce cans).

If I did that for 6 years and somehow haven’t died, I think you drinking them 3x per week with an active lifestyle is perfectly safe.


The amount of sugar in a can of coke is pretty ridiculous. If you’re looking to be a healthier version of yourself it’s best to cut it out of your life.

I recommend reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma to get more perspective on this.


If you exercise enough, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. But it’s still a ton of sugar to consume all at once. Just try not to consume it all at once and/or have it with food to dampen the insulin spike.


It’s an insane amount of sugar. All soda, not just coke. And processed sugar is one of the worst things for you on many levels. And depending on your age (if you’re young) you’re creating a habit that as you get older will start having more detrimental side effects on your health that you might not be experiencing now. From my readings on the subject, sugar is more addictive than most drugs. So another thing to be careful of.


Soft drinks like coke have a lot of phosphoric acid which can lower bone density with very high intake. If you want to continue consuming that much just make sure you have plenty of calcium in your diet to balance your intakes


A can of coke right after a workout can be a good thing to replenish glycogen stores and spike insulin to shuttle nutrients into your muscles…as far as health wise the amount your drinking and given you’re an athlete won’t hurt you, but its obviously not as good for you as say freshly squeezed orange juice, due to the chemicals and processing and lack of vitamins.


Not sure how elite you are or how your diet looks. A can of Coke three times a week isnt really that bad for you if you are generally healthy in all other regards.I’d probably be most concerned for your dental health. Professional athletes have on average very poor dental health and Coke isnt really helping


It really depends on how the rest of your diet goes. A single can of coke is your daily’s sugar intake, so if you have other things that have a lot of sugar that will really add up. But if you keep you your sugar level at zero or close to it and exercise a lot that you be kind of cool. I mean, it wouldn’t be healthy at all but nobody has a 100% healthy diet.

I would say try to cut it down to 2 cans or maybe try sugar-free coke. I know they are still not the best, but as far as I know they don’t affect insulin levels, they won’t have any salt added (at least Diet Coke if I remember correctly) and no calories too. So it’s still better.


I always get half coke and half coke zero to reduce the sugar consumption. The sugar alone is a toxin to your body, white refined sugar not sugars from fruits and vegetables etc. Sugar pulls minerals and vitamins out of your body and is the main culprit and basis for all health issues. It’s tragic but true. I love sweets just as much as rest.


I think 3 times a week is a good choice for you since you said you really like it. Do you also consume other drinks in the meantime or mostly water? Since you are physically active, there shouldn’t be any health concerns.


I’m a 29M whose been lifting weights since 17-18yo. And I LOVE coca-cola too. So I also need to moderate it otherwise I’ll have a few cans a day. It’s the added sugar in coke that’s the issue and is completely dependent on the context of your diet and lifestyle. Added sugar can be an issue bc it leads to excess calories in our diet without the addition of micro vitamins and fiber. So as long as you reach your micronutrient and fiber goal and don’t go over your allotted cals for the day then you’ll be fine

You can safely do that so long as you don’t take in more than 10% of your daily cals from added sugar. If you’re taking in 3000cals then that’s 300cals which is 75g of added sugar. So theoretically you can drink one can of coke a day but that’s assuming you’re eating incredibly clean the rest of the day, you hit your fiber, protein, micro goal and don’t go over your cals

So considering you’re an athlete, the rest of your diet is presumably good and you’re accounting for the added sugar then yes having 3 cans a week is perfectly okay and I highly doubt you’re hurting yourself or missing out on health benefits by doing what you’re doing

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