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Is diet soda really bad for us?

What are your thoughts about it guys? People claim it to cause metabolic disease or even linked it to stuff like ADHD. Is it really that bad? šŸ˜³

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So far Iā€™ve only seen studies on non caloric sweeteners being toxic was on mice, where they got 100-1000x dose of what is in diet sodas, and all the studies that show links to cancer and what not are really poor papers that shouldnā€™t convince anyone.

So itā€™s most likely better than sugared sodas, but how much I couldnā€™t comment on. A couple diet sodas a week is probably perfectly fine.


Itā€™s not a health food, but itā€™s fine.

People who tend to have certain health issues can have issues with diet soda. I believe that tends to fall within the realm of kidney issues, or bladder problems (such as IC), and I know that aspartame has been thought to be a migraine trigger for a handful of people

But causing metabolic problems? Honestly I truly donā€™t know of any, and Iā€™ve noticed that itā€™s trendy these days to imply that foods are throwing off your ā€œhormonesā€ and that you have to balance them. I would be skeptical of anyone claiming ā€œmetabolicā€ issues like diabetes or hypo/hyperthyroidism.


theres no reason to think sugar-free (aspartame) is bad for us, its been used for over 40 years and theres no study that has proven it dangerous.

I have accepted sugar-free soda in my life, but because im a health-freak i always use a straw and have a glass of water with it.

edit: ( for teeth, obviously. Sugar-free soda is still acidic and can wear down enamel if exposed for too long. )


if you can avoid it why not? When I was a fat teenager I was drinking 2+ liters of regular soda a day, to the point where my doctor looked at my blood work and told me I had months at best before diabetes. Switched to diet and lost 10lbs in the first week and blood work was solid after a month.

I donā€™t think its healthy, I have definitely reduced my soda consumption since I was younger.

However, it does scratch the itch for something sweeter than water and helps satiate my appetite (probably the caffeine).

Now Iā€™m drinking naturally flavored sparkling water, no calories, tastes nice, and it keeps me infinitely more hydrated


Researchers from the Sorbonne Paris North University and French Network for Nutrition and Cancer Research looked at data from 102,865 French adults in the NutriNet-SantƩ study over an average of eight years of follow-up.

They found that participants who consumed the most artificial sweeteners had a 13% as high risk of developing cancer compared with those who didnā€™t consume artificial sweeteners.

The sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame-K were associated with the highest risk, according to the data, particularly with risk of breast cancer and obesity-related cancer.


So a few things, I think the sweetness tricks your gut bacteria into thinking itā€™s sugar, they eat it and die. So in my opinion it can mess up your gut.

It also will make you crave sweet things more.

Itā€™s also bad for your teeth, so you should drink water at the same time. I drink them from time to time, but itā€™s better not to.


Diet soda still suffers from the fallout of the ā€œdiet soda causes cancerā€ debacle from a while back. I believe this is why we saw many diet soda manufactures rebrand with ā€œZerosā€. There is nothing inherently wrong with diet soda, but with that being said it is not okay to drink in place of water. This has been linked with health risks such as kidney stones.

Drinking diet sodas in place of the regular soda frees up so much of your daily sugar intakes to come from better more nutritious parts of your diet. Some regular sodas can have up to as much as 46g of sugar in a single can (mountain dew was used for this example). This single can is almost over the daily recommended intake for sugar based on a 2,000kcal diet (fda).

So, in summary by and large diet sodas are way better for you than their regular alternatives but like with everything in life indulge in moderation. Drink plenty of water and enjoy your sodas too!


No. No proof they cause cancer outside of mice studies where they overload the mice with aspartame and other sweeteners and speed up their analysis with cancer causing drugs. Diet drinks have been shown in many studies to be a net positive for weight loss.


Itā€™s fine. But still a generic hyper processed item, designed for addiction and that is taxing your body more than itā€™s giving back to it.

Just switch to sparkling water or flavoured sparkling water. Save your teeth, health and wallet


There was the idea that light products are redundant if you replace fat with sugar anyway

This is obv not the case in diet soda. It was rumored to mess with your insulin levels (sweet was supposed to trigger insulin to metabolize sugar). Studies found there is no suchv thing.

Lastly, people claim that you will get the missed calories somewhere else. This never happens, no matter if you drink rather or diet coke



There were studies that showed a weak correlation, they didnā€™t define a causation and it should be studied more. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth stressing over. That being said, eating mostly unprocessed if possible and accessible for you is going to be the healthiest option. A Diet Coke once a day wonā€™t hurt you.


Generally, the sweeteners used arenā€™t any better for the body, they just donā€™t have any calories. You should avoid soda instead of trying to bandaid the addiction by drinking diet soda. Getting off of sugar isnā€™t easy, but developing a routine makes it much easier


Some studies have found links between diet soda intake and negative cardiovascular outcomes (eg, heart disease, stroke). I donā€™t know if there are any newer data supporting or refuting this.





Iā€™ve seen some drink it as the the only source of waterā€¦ extremes like that may aggravate some of the concerns related to it.

While cancer studies study them as intensely high amounts, there are other studies related to artificial sweeteners and their tendency to aggravate our sugar cravings or appetite - things that have a higher chance when drinking in large amounts.


Iā€™ll try to find sources if you would like. Below is from memory.

Diet soda can disrupt the balance of your gut microbe. Due to artificial sweetener.

It has been associated with pre term births

The Carmel coloring in soda is toxic. Irrc, coke was a bit better than Pepsi in this regard

Diet soda can cause insulin spikes similar to sugar

Diet soda increases hunger throughout the day

ā€œIn other words, the belief that [switching to diet soda will] reduce long-term health risks is not [well] supported by scientific evidence, and insteadā€¦may contribute to the very health risks people [were] seeking to avoidā€ in the first place.

ā€œIntake of artificially sweetened soft drinks and risk of preterm delivery: a prospective cohort study in 59,334 [pregnant Danes].ā€ Conclusion: ā€œDaily intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks may increase the risk of preterm delivery.ā€ And, it probably wasnā€™t the caffeine or other additives, since the same sweetened versions of the soda didnā€™t result in the same problem.

So, soda is terrible. As are many processed foods





All sodas are bad for youā€¦. You can still drink it just be aware that over time it will affect your gut health and teeth depending on how much and often you drink it. Not only that the sugar addiction that comes with drinking sodas are pretty bad and hard to cut out.


  1. ADHD isnā€™t bad. Thatā€™s a weird thing to worry about. Itā€™s just a pain in the ass to live with sometimes.

  2. As someone with ADHD, I much prefer the sweetened flavor of diet soda over regular soda, especially Diet Coke with Classic Coke. The flavor of Diet tastes less like chemicals and doesnā€™t give me a horrid aftertaste the same way classic coke does.

  3. If it were linked to any illness, any illness at all, it would be ripped from the shelves immediately and the companies would be sued like crazy.

If someone is already suffering from an Illness like Diabetes for example, no. Itā€™s not good or healthy to drink it, especially drinking it every day. To be honest no soda is ā€œhealthyā€ for you, but it isnā€™t going to hurt you if you drink it in moderation. Drink it if you really want to.


I switched from a Coke and Dr. Pepper 2 liter a day habit to the Coke Zero and Dr. Pepper Zero and have lost considerable pounds over the last year. I switched to mainly save my teeth from so much sugar and to lose some weight. As for the answer to your question, I really donā€™t know.


IMO, check your blood glucose before your drink it and then 30 mins after and see how high your blood glucose goes up. High blood glucose though out the day may damage your endothelium layer. Once damaged, cardiovascular health could become degraded.Life is to short to only eat twigs and berries, but as long as you know what the potential risk ā€œover timeā€ are, then you can make a good decision. Stay Healthy!šŸ‘


Anything with artificial sweeteners is not good for you. Artificial sweeteners are toxic to the body. You know Splenda/sucralose? That is derived from a fertilizer. Stevia, Monk Fruit, amd Erythritol are not artificial, they are natural sweeteners. Sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin are synthetic and artificial. Try Zevia if you like the taste of diet soda, or use Sweet Drops in water/carbonated water. Those are better and healthier alternatives and are natural sweetners, plus they donā€™t affect youā€™re blood sugar like regular sugar does.


If youā€™re drinking it multiple times a day every day, itā€™s probably not good for you in the long term. Iā€™ll have a Coke Zero a couple times a month to satisfy my soda craving and it beats drinking 35g of sugar in a can of regular soda so, treat it like any other treat. Everything in moderation


A potential area of concern could be the effects on bone health, beyond the obvious relationship between a low-pH food like diet soda and your poor enamel. Lots of diet soda, and I suppose regular soda, contain phosphoric acid, and high consumption of phosphorus has been associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. This would be through elevations in FGF23, leading to suppression of calcitriol and PTH. Furthermore, exceed phosphorus intake relative to calcium could potentially be associated with the development of kidney stones by increasing the renal excretion of calcium through suppressing calcitriol.

That said, most people consume a lot of phosphorus from their diet anyways, and how much would one or even two diet sodas affect that balance? In fact, this review suggests that a larger concern is that sodas simply replace more wholesome and nutritious beverages like milk.

(Review on the relationship between phosphorus and bone health)



I believe I read somewhere at one point that the safe limit in the UK was like 19 a day or something insane. I really donā€™t think any one item is going to lead to anything bad. Like if someone got cancer I donā€™t think you could pin point it to one item like ā€œit was all the diet coke I drankā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø mostly just my opinion. Life is too short to not have a diet coke obsession


Personally I think all soda is bad :)

Anecdotally i seem to remember something about tricking the body causing it to crave other sweet stuff more. Also the people Iā€™ve known who drank ā€˜dietā€™ soda were ā€¦ not the healthiest


As with anything, the dose makes the poison.

Thereā€™s some links between excessive diet soda consumption and diabetic retinopathy, but thatā€™s among the diabetic and not the general population, so itā€™s likely simply exacerbating an existing issue there.

Overall itā€™s not terrible for you, better than excessive sugar consumption. But again, dose makes the poison.

Is it healthy to drink 6 cans a day? You wonā€™t die, but itā€™s not going to be as healthy as drinking water.


Some people believe itā€™s healthy, but diet sodas got completely forbidden to me by doctor who was treating my chronic cystitis. It irritates the bladder badly, so I donā€™t touch anything with artificial sweeteners and feel much better. Everyone I know who has issues with digestive tract also avoids those because they irritate colon and stomach a lot.


If you canā€™t pronounce or spell the ingredients offhand itā€™s probably not the best for the body. Took me a month to change my brain chemistry to only seltzers and water. La croix so damn good I think. Hit that key lime or lemon cello donā€™t even miss sodas


Considering these drinks have the ability to eat corrosion from batteries and other electronics as well as remove flame retardant from clothes - I donā€™t view them as healthy for human consumption.Gut health (indigenous flora = beneficial microbiology) is shown again and again to have correlation to mental health so just like other elements of Nature, build up donā€™t break down for best results

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