| | Water Fasting

Is doing rolling (4.5 dry, 1 day water, 1.5 day eating) fasts reasonable for 5 or more weeks?

So I have been doing regular 5.5-day water fasts with 1.5 days refeeds for the last 6 weeks. WF 8 pm Sunday to 8 am Sat, Eating window 8 am Sat to 8 pm Sun.

For week 7 I have started this week with a dry fast and so far it actually feels easier than the water fasts. But that could change. I am thinking of doing as much of this week’s fast as dry, and then moving to water should I feel the need. For my water fasts, I usually drink soda water (fizzy water).

When I normally break my water fasts, I just eat a normal breakfast, e.g. cheese and ham omelette or steak and eggs with black coffee and have not had any problems with that, but being on a dry fast I want to make sure I take more precautions.

My questions are:

- Does it seem reasonable for me to stop my dry fast at 108 hours (4.5 days) which would be 8 am on Friday, then just slowly add in water sips first and then drinking water as required for the rest of the day and then as normal break my water fast as usual with a regular breakfast?

- If this seems reasonable, do you see any problems with me keeping this schedule up for the next 5 weeks or longer? The routine would be:- Dry Fast 8 pm Sunday - 8 am Friday, Water Fast 8 am Friday - 8 am Saturday, eating window 8 am Saturday - 8 pm Sunday.

At the moment for my eating window. I try to eat reasonably healthy, 3 main meals a day, no processed foods, just meat, salad, eggs, pickles, and normally home made vegetable soup, then if I want a snack, bananas, apples or watermelon. I drink soda water (fizzy water) and black coffee only, I have recently moved to mainly drinking decaf coffee to stop the withdrawal headaches when I restart my fasts.

Do you think that now I will be dry fasting, I need to take any supplements during my eating windows? Except for a little salt sprinkled on my hand and licked up, I have never taken anything during my water fasts.

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So I just completed my fasts. The 4.5 day dry fasting was not hard, actually easier than the normal weekly water fasts I have been doing. Never really felt thirsty. I moved onto a water fast for an extra 24 hours. I sipped water at first (I drink soda water), but was not in any rush to drink it as I didn’t feel the need to, so took it slowly. I have now broken my water fast with an omelette and coffee. I did have trouble sleeping last night, but I usually always wake up early every Saturday morning (5am ish) as my body is excited as it thinks it is like Christmas morning and will be getting its present (food) at 8am.

I plan on eating now a lunch and dinner today (Sat) and breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow and will start the routine again beginning with another dry fast from Sunday 8pm.

Maybe TMI:

This happens almost every time I break my fast. All week I don’t have a bowel movement and then almost as soon as I have finished my first breakfast I need to go. I have been three times now this morning with a good amount each time and all normal, I don’t feel any issues, I think my body just wants to hold onto it in case it needs to try and pull more nutrients out of it if I don’t eat and then as soon as it has some food to replace it, it opens the hatch and allows cargo to be dumped.

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Categories: water fast eating window dry fast soda tea coffee meat snack dry fasting sleep morning lunch dinner