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Is dry fasting and food fasting unhealthy for someone with a still developing body?

Is one day a week without food of any sort counterproductive for someone not fully grown yet? How about dry fasting? Bonus question: what about 2-4 day fasts for triggering autophagy and how often can this be done?

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I would ask what is your reason for fasting? Religion, health, novelty or something else? What are you hoping to gain? I would not personally recommend for a young person who is still developing, as your immune system is still very strong and it could do more harm than good, especially if it’s something you want to do regularly. Are there any trusted adults that you could talk to about your ideas?


A developing child naturally wouldn’t fast. As most intermittent fasting.

Dry fasting even less so.Children and youth in general would be given water and food first.

If you’re worried about your weight, lift weights and eat around maintenance. Puberty will take care of the rest.As a bonus eat plenty of protein and good fat, wish I was told that when I was younger.


Absolutely yes, you shouldn’t fast at all unless its unavoidable. your body needs immediate access to nutrients to gain the most benefit and your body is a system if you cause deficiency now you will gain disease in the future.


I‘d argue that proper development is more important than triggering autophagy at such an early age.
You’re already on the right track thinking about this stuff so young. Try to leverage your youth to gain muscle and strength and start fasting once you‘re fully developed.


[ not an expert, just my 2p ]

Dry fasting seems unhealthy to me.

24h water fasts seem healthy, and maybe generally a good thing, but may depress your immune system for a few days, which doesn’t seem a good idea while covid is around.

2 / 3 / 4 day fasts (with electrolytes) once every few months / once a year … dunno, maybe there’s something there (once covid is less of an issue), but are the gains worth the effort?

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