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Is dry fasting to lose a lot of weight quick a bad thing?

Im 540lbs i need to lose weight extremely fast. I heard that losing weight too fast is bad but boy i need to shed some pounds as fast as possible.

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I am guessing you want to lose hundreds of pounds. And another goal is what to do with the extra skin whether that is with surgery or something else. I can almost guarantee most of what you eat is highly processed carbs. Maybe it is difficult to stay full. The issue with carbs is that yes very tasty but they do not make a person feel full. Meat makes you feel fuller longer however too much meat can be dangerous and proceed to a medical condition called hyperaminoacidemia. Another point others have mentioned is the levels of your electrolytes during any fast, salt is one to be very mindful because headaches and other painful things will happen, look up hyponatremia. Emotional eating can have many triggers that you will start to unpack when you are ready for dry fasting. Please consult fastingwithtrevor on youtube or instagram for more insights into a successful strategy in preparing for a fast and how to recover after the fast. Losing weight is built on routine of exercise, proper repair and recovery, and eating choices that keep the carbs in low amounts. Please look into vasoconstriction and vasodilation for recovering your muscles after exercise. Please look into massage tools like the sportneer or hypervolt because there will be lots of soreness once you get into the groove of cardio and resistance training. Blood flow restriction training is another useful technique in working out efficiently with light weights.

Be prepared for back problems when the weight goes. Dry fasting might help with the skin stuff however we don’t have any members here who have documented how helpful dry fasting was in skin reduction.


In my personal experience, which is not extensive enough for me to suggest that it applies to everyone, does dry fasting lead to quicker weight loss than water fasting do. But I regain more weight after the fast when dry fasting than when water fasting. Water fasting is also safer in several ways, especially when taking supplements, most importantly electrolytes. For weight loss, I would personally without doubt choose water fasting over dry fasting. In my opinion, dry fasting is more for healing medical issues, and for spiritual reasons. I experience water fasting to be more sustainable and gentle on the body, in addition to also causing rapid wight loss. Good luck!


It can be if you lose it too quickly all at once. You’ll have lots of lose skin.

What I’d do is aim for 3 days a week, then refeed for 1-2 days on OMAD keto (A Huge omelet and chicken, vegetables, steak, sausage would be good). Then when you can handle it better, extend from 3 to 4-5.

You do this for 2 weeks, and then you spend some time lifting weights in order to fill out the lose skin that you’re sure to have. at that weight level. If you can keto while you lift, then do it but I doubt it or at least not effectively. Do that for 1 to 1.5 weeks and then go back to dry fasting.

Keep this up until you get to your goal weight. You’ll probably still have lose skin, but I’d bet it’d be minimal

If it was 20-30 pounds, you’d be fine losing it all at once but trying to lose 200 pounds of weight in a few months is doable but you won’t look good with the lose skin.

Also, like the others say, do not go into a carb binge after a fast unless you lost a significant amount of weight (and even then, stop it after a few days). After a fast ,your body is more suspecitble to weight gain so it’s something you have to slowly introduce again.


I would just check in with your doctor, run it by them and see if they have any advice. But I’ve always figured, for myself at least, if something is too intense your body will let you know. If you can do a dry fast without feeling really fatigued, or dizzy, or unbearable dry mouth, I would think you’re probably okay.

If you’re new to fasting, I would start slow. Maybe do a juice fast and see how that goes, then try moving on to a water fast, and if all goes well try a dry fast. Not all at once, but try something like that a couple days a week and see how you feel. No matter what, if anything makes you feel awful, stop and come at it from a different angle. One more tip, I would look into something like Hydrant or LiquidIV or something similar to help keep electrolytes in balance (just make sure it doesn’t have a bunch of sugar).

To answer your question more directly though, yes I’ve found dry fasting to be very effective for weight loss. I’ve heard some people say one day of dry fasting is equivalent to three days of water fasting. Whether it’s exactly true or not, I don’t know. But in my experience, dry fasts seem to be more powerful. But even though I would say I’m very experienced in extended water fasts (up to 3 weeks), I still don’t carry on with a dry fast for more than a day or so. I’ve had luck with rehydrating at night and in the morning and keeping the dry fast in between those times. When I do that, I won’t be hungry or thirsty during the day and I can stay very comfortable. I am by no means an expert. But I hope this helps a little.


It’s just really hard. I was doing 24 hour dry fasting and drink a really high quality water once and do it for 3 days then finally have my meal then go back to fasting again, I did this for 2 weeks and lost a ton. The negative is you can get recess syndrome if you have not concurred your relationship with food. You might end up gaining all back. This is an extreme form of fasting and I don’t recommend if your not a pro on fasting

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