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Is everyone doing Keto?

Hi all,

I’m rocking the 16:8 and sometimes 20:4 and getting in long walks in prep for starting running again.

I’ve been trying to do Keto….but I eat too much fruits and vegetables, and I love homemade bread haha.

I eat very clean and balanced. Nothing processed, mostly organic, low to no added sugar but I feel like it’s so hard for me to cut the carbs to Keto levels.

My weight gain (20lbs) has been from not working out at all and starting an anxiety med. I’m currently 5’3 and 140lbs, and my goal is to get back to the 120-125 range while toning up.

IF has REALLY helped my anxiety and that urge to grab something to chew on whenever I’m stressed.

I’m just wondering if IF and working out and balanced diet will work for those 20lbs? Or if I should be sticking to Keto too?

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Not really. I do restrict myself to 100 carbs or less but If I eat all those carbs at once and cause an insulin response I don’t freak out.

I tried keto but personally couldn’t make it a permanent thing. I like a donut now and then. And I adore pasta bread and pizza once in awhile. I just do not consume those on a regular basis.


Keto makes it easier for me to not have cravings, but I did OMAD for quite a while eating whatever I wanted for my One Meal A Day and still lost. If you’re not having major craving issues and can stay within a decent limit, then don’t fret!


If you’re eating keto-adjacent, but overeating carbs, consider switching to low carb. It’s a great way of eating if you can’t give up carbs. You can still lose weight doing IF, as long as you focus on limiting your caloric intake (not bingeing during your eating window).


If your calories eaten are lower the calories your calories burned you’ll lose weight.

My first month I didn’t pay any attention to my macros and I lost over 25 lbs with adf. Just do something you can stick to!


Yes I do lazy keto most of the time. No wheat or sugar at all but will have a tiny bit of rice at the weekend. Then I do OMAD for as many days of the week as I can get away with. Still 6lbs off target weight so I might need to be a bit more strict though.

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Categories: keto fruit sugar carbs weight gain working out stress balanced diet omad one meal a day low carb lose weight binge eating window calories macro