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Is fasting for 12 hours even worth it?

I struggle to get past 12 hours

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Even though you’re struggling to get past 12 hours, keep doing it. Your body will eventually get used to it. I eat one meal a day every day at 5-7pm. The first week was the hardest, I didn’t think I could do it because of the hunger pangs but I stuck with it and now it’s nothing. I would say the 4th or 5th day it’ll get easier.


The body doesn’t start burning fat until the 11th hr. I’d say more than 12 hrs is needed. If you’re struggling, maybe try a different time window. And let most of your fast occur while you sleep. You will acclimate to a new eating routine after the beginning. You will be surprised how little food drives you after that. Double down on water and make sure you’re eating good things during your eating window. You’ve got this.


If you are attempt 16:8 but can only got the first 12 hours. Increment up to 16. Tomorrow go 12.5. Then the next day 13 hours. Next day, 13.5 hours. Or something of this nature. It can be harder for some people to get started. But easier once established. Give yourself time and don’t worry about it. I attempt to do 18:6 every day. Eating windows 2PM-8PM. But some days I gotta eat at noon or 1PM just cuz I’m and starving. Then I just close my eating window early, if I feel like it. Just attempt to do a little better everyday.


What causes you to eat? What is it that is causing the difficulty? Hunger pains? Being near food?

You need to find something that motivates you otherwise this won’t happen. For me personally, I look at myself in the mirror and then look at pictures of me from years ago. I stay mentally focused on what I want to look like and how GREAT it will be to have a flatter stomach. I don’t compare my body to other people, i compare me to younger and healthier versions of myself. I know those body shapes are attainable.

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Categories: struggle struggling eat one meal a day sleep eating window pain stomach