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Is fasting in the evening or night better?

I am a huge fan of Dr. Micheal Greger and he advocates for not eating past 7pm ever. That our body does better eating in the morning than at night. Sorry I’m too lazy to post sources. Just look up nutritionfacts.org intermittent fasting.

I’m wondering if anyone knows of any other research indicating which is better?

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From my knowledge/experience the psychological aspect matters for me. No eating at night personally gives me more focus for the final hours of the day and a better sleep where i wake up early comfortably.


I have heard all of my life that eating late is not good, so nothing new, there.

Since I’m apparently not as lazy as you, here is an in depth article about our circadian rhythms: Circadian Rhythms

“the GI tract functions very differently during the day when food is consumed compared to the night when sleep occurs. These functions include motility, secretion, digestion, absorption/metabolism of nutrients, cell proliferation, and tissue repair”

“Circadian homeostasis is the consequence of consistent patterns of sleep/wake and eating and avoidance of eating late. Circadian homeostasis permits optimal gastrointestinal function. Conversely circadian misalignment including irregular schedules and late night eating promote disease and dysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract.”

“Finally, consumption of food at an inappropriate time (i.e., during the resting phase) may by itself be sufficient to induce adverse metabolic consequences. For example, eating a high fat diet during the rest phase results in greater weight gain than if the same number of calories were consumed during the active phase”


I’m a fan of dr Gregor too. i don’t think there is much evidence eating in the morning is better or worse. If there is a difference it’s not huge. From personal experience I do best eating my biggest meal round 3-5 pm. you just have to experiment .


I noticed I cannot skip supper. I’m ok not eating after it unless I am up past 11:00pm. I am just unable to sleep at all if I feel hungry. Also, if I eat breakfast, whether it is large or something light, I am hungry no matter what the whole rest of the day.

Idk the science behind it, but that’s what I have noticed for myself I guess.

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