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Is having a shot of snake juice plus apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and cayenne still a thing?

Anybody know if Cole still recommends this?

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Good question.

I haven’t heard him talk about this recently.

I personally still have a shot of ACV here and there - maybe two a day. I also drink lemon water (water with just a couple of drops of lemon juice) and add cayenne pepper to my snake juice.

I’ve been mostly doing OMAD so I haven’t been drinking the snake juice. I don’t think it’s really necessary for OMAD.

Doing OMAD right now just because I have a lot of family around over the summer and we like to have dinner together. I’m pretty much maintaining using it but also dropping a little weight. 10 lbs away from my goal weight right now! Dropped from 211 in April to 185 now!


Lemon juice and ACV I think is best when you’re ending a dry fast to help your kidneys. It also helps if you are experiencing heartburn or a sore throat. I usually don’t take anything but snake juice-pink salt, no salt, epsom salt and baking soda.

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Categories: vinegar omad dinner dry fast kidney heart pink salt baking soda