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Is intoxication with vitamin B12 and caffeine from cocoa possible?

I am currently looking for research on the topic “toxic effect from cocoa”.

The only substances I could identify that might cause problem from excessive amounts are vitamin B12 and mainly caffeine. On the other hand, the amount varies a lot depending on the quality of the powder, and there are foods and drinks that are richer in both substances and also consumed in large amounts without leading to toxic effects.

My impression is, that hypervitaminosis of vitamin b12 becomes more and more common; I still donÄt understand how this is possible, as it is a water soluble vitamin where and excess should be excreted.

Regarding caffeine, cocoa and decaf coffee contain approximately the same amount, but the number of excessive decaf coffee drinkers my not be large enough to yield enough representative data.

So could you help me with more information and your opinion/experience?

Thanks in advance!

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You might consider cross-posting to r/chocolate - there are some pros on that sub.

I would expect caffeine to pose an issue for those prone to cardiac arrhythmia at high levels of consumption, and possible metal contamination from eating excessive quantities over time (depending on choc source).

If you have not already seen it, there was a Consumer Reports article on cadmium and lead in some brands: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/lead-and-cadmium-in-dark-chocolate-a8480295550/. There is an opposing view by one of the chocolate writers on r/chocolate that seems convincing.


You’re more likely to run into issues I think from the other xanthines, theobromine and theophylline. Theobromine in particular is much more strongly a cardiac stimulant than anything else - contrast with caffeine’s CNS stimulation and theophylline’s action as a bronchodilator. The theobromine strain on your heart would likely be the first problem you run into if you’re megadosing cocoa


Caffeine may not affect people who drink lot of coffee since childhood like me. I used to get good sleep if I drink coffee after dinner— believe it or not! But had to stop it because of constant nagging and objection by my wife. I am not sure about B 12 but as it is like non veg dish for vegetarians it need control in consumption.

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