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is intuitive eating meant to result in a balanced calorie intake?

and why do some people intuitively eat in a large calorie deficit? for example, someone who burns 2000 calories in a day might naturally only eat 700-1000 calories, but will feel perfectly satiated. I would think that the body would naturally strive for a balance of approximately the same amount of calories in and out, so burn 2000, eat 2000

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This is just me personally, but when I’m active all day, I’m less hungry or at least have less urges to over-eat (I actually tend to under-eat).

Whereas when I’m inactive throughout the day, especially multiple days at a time, I get the urge to over-eat and it almost always leads to binging.

It sucks because this is not at all ideal. I’ll be under 1500 on a super active day and be over 3000 on a day I sat on the couch.

But I think it’s also related to how early I wake up, what I eat for breakfast, how much water I’m drinking, there’s several factors.


U will not feel perfectly satiated eating 1000 cals if u burn 2000. Hormones will signal u too eat. U r correct, the body strives for balance. In other words, no one is intuitively eating half of what is necessary for there survival, they would feel like they are starving


This is just my personal experience so take it with a grain of salt as I’m aware I’m in the minority. I’ve gone from roughly 200lbs during the holidays to about 183lbs now using just intuitive eating and ‘eating less’. For me to have maintained that 200lbs I was forcing myself eat near 3000cal a day (lots of whole milk and eating calorically dense foods). So naturally I just started eating only when hungry (stopped the whole milk too) and been able to lose over 15lbs

I’ll still be able to eat this way for about another 5lbs before I’m gonna have to start more strictly tracking my cals. But I know for me personally, when left up to my own appetite i usually take in 2000cals or so. Because of that it’s pretty easy for me to lose weight for awhile. Once my maintenance cals lower to 2000 and I’ve restricted my cals long enough then at that point I cannot simply ‘intuitively eat’ to lose weight. I’ll need to strictly track my cals, focus on high fiber and protein foods for satiation

I’m aware very few people are like me. Most people, when given zero restrictions, will eat a lot of cals and naturally gain weight. So unless you’re an under eater like me then intuitive eating may not work quite as well


dont understand this question…. intuitive would mean it would guarantee a level of uncertainty as you are basing your decision off of intuition (which is sure to misguide you if you dont understand nutrition) . gain knowledge first then use intuition with that knowledge. ideally mostly using all knowledge, without the ignorance of intuition.


a bunch of reasons why this is a terrible idea is because a lot of times its our intuition to overeat or eat excess fat and calories, its literally programmed in us. we dont know how long we will have it for or how long we will survive, so we are wired to eat while we can.


I think it’s more variable than linear? Some days you’re more active and some days you’re more sedentary. If you under eat one day then the next day or few days your body may increase appetite and hunger signals to meet its needs.

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