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Is it better to take Apple Cider Vinegar just before a meal, or a little after a meal?

I’m seeing conflicting information on what is better.

I see that drinking it on an empty stomach/before a meal can increase feelings of fullness when you eat a meal.

But I’m also seeing that taking it after a meal slows digestion. Is slowing digestion beneficial or harmful? It also says that ACV can reduce blood sugar spikes—is this affected by whether it’s taken before you eat or after?

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I recently started drinking 2 tbsp in 8 oz of water before I eat. I was having a lot of uncomfortable bloating after every meal, literally no matter what I ate, so I decided to try this. I’m so happy. Even foods that have always made me bloat at times that bloating wasn’t an everyday occurrence, aren’t having that effect on me now.


cart before the horse. doesnt matter when you take it. just take it regularly and see if you notice a difference. most likely, you wont, because it’s not science based but if it makes you feel better thats fine too


Neither. There’s no scientific evidence to support taking apple cider vinegar as a supplement. It’s really bad for your teeth, may irritate the esophagus, cause indigestion and nausea, interact poorly with medications, can be harmful to the kidneys in patients with kidney disease.


Studies on this are small but are leaning towards vinegar having a positive impact on lowering blood sugar spikes. Check out this article - it’s cited within itself :)

Article from Levels Health

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