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Is it better to wean off sugar or quit cold turkey?

I’ve been fasting on and off for the last few years, but have always had my vices… primarily sugar. I’m seeing a lot of stagnation in my results because I’ll add “just a scoop” of sugar to my coffee or tea. At first, I was still dropping weight like crazy, but I’ve begun to plateau.

Sugar is my kryptonite. I won’t list them here, but I constantly crave either really sugary things, or really salty things. Is it better for me to quit sugar cold turkey and deal with the physiological and psychological withdrawals, or wean myself off using honey and a slower reduction in my intake?

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For me, if I’m deep in sugar land, I mentally prep for a day or so until I’m ready, then, over about 3 days I cut my consumption in half. Like, maybe the first day no actually candy or overtly the worst stuff. By day 4, I’m okay to go keto and have it all cut out.


When I cut it out, I went cold turkey and felt like death on Day 2. After a few weeks, I discovered that I actually feel like garbage after I eat something really sweet. I get a crazy surge and then crash hard. It helps me stay motivated to only indulge in the things that are really “worth it” - amazing birthday cake, Baked Alaska at a nice dinner, etc. Definitely learned not to break a fast with birthday cake or some other super sweet dessert. I try to eat some version of charcuterie an hour before the sugar, unless it’s a restaurant situation.

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