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Is it normal to be grumpy when fasting? Can’t enjoy tv etc? Does that get easier with time if so?


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I find myself getting bored pretty quickly. I like to fill my time with stuff around the house that need to get done, going on walks, lifting, or something else that has me moving around.

Could be because I normally eat while watching tv and I feel like something is missing by not having a plate in front of me haha


Yup. Super normal. I try to view it as an additional challenge, a quasi-spiritual one, where I try to be mindful of my mood fluctuations and how much my mood is tied with my blood sugar levels.

I’ve always been a moody grump when hungry.. as has been my dad, and now hes diabetic. So, I believe its tied to blood sugar levels. I really do not know though for sure…

Caffeine (tea / coffee) helps. The first day is when I’m the moodiest, then after the second day I find myself on a weird wave of euphoria / peacefulness.

So, totally anecdotal but that’s my two cents.


I have a few reasons for when that happens to me. 1) I’m not getting enough salt/electrolytes, 2) I’m nutrient deficient (easy to hit a wall when you’re already depleted) or 3) I’m still addressing my relationship with food. The third reason is the hardest because it’s not a tangible thing I can add; I have to think about why I feel like I “should” be eating despite not actually being hungry.

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