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Is it normal to have Massive headaches during a fast? (2nd day) also can I use advil?

just a quick question so i dont ruin my fast.

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I got bad headaches before realizing I needed salt.

I havent taken any medicine since 2011 so not able to give you any pointers there.

Check out youtube, Cole Robinson/Snake Juice, helps explain the salt and no salt needs.


You can use advil not sure it will help in this case, the headaches are probably from sugar or caffeine withdrawal. It will pass but it sucks all the same. I used ibuprofen once my lady days came on for a full week, up to 4 pills every 4-6 hours. Snake juice is just salt and potassium which you can take in pill form and just lick kosher or Himalayan pink salt, I don’t like drinking salt water if you do drink snake juice (no salt and Himalayan pink salt)

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