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Is it ok to drink coffee with cream?


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You might try unflavored full fat cream, if yours has sugar to flavor it it might be undermining you. you’re really trying to avoid any insulin spikes so your body can utilize fat stores best. Small amounts of calories doesn’t have to mess that up but you’ll want to be intentional. The less sugar the better.

You also might pop a bit of cinnamon into your coffee as well- this has been shown to play a role in blunting insulin responses as well. It also tastes nice imo.

I generally do 36 hr fasts and i do coffee those mornings w some cream and cinnamon. Black coffee on an empty stomach makes me nauseous so that’s my solution. If I start the day nauseous I’m not going to have a good time fasting and I’m way more likely to quit midway.

I’d caution you to fast for long periods (over a day or so) if you aren’t able to appropriately hydrate. You might try water with flavored sugar free electrolytes as another option to try, I find that easier to drink if my stomach is feeling off and it feels more substantial than water to me.

I’d also caution you against fasting as a method of self-punishment. It sounds like you could benefit from some therapy or other mental health support in addition, and I say that with all the empathy in the world. I’ve been there and it’s way more likely to be a recipe for a binge-restrict cycle. If you don’t have access to that kind of support and you want to keep fasting, I might try watching some videos on the science/biology of fasting and such— for me at least, taking it out of the emotional space and into the scientific/rational space was what rlly started to make the difference for me to be able to fast from a more emotionally neutral spot and thus be more successful and less agonized while fasting.

Good luck! Take care of yourself 🤍


« Only lost a couple of pounds » - you lost 6 pounds in one week! That’s amazing!

I echo with the other commenter said. My fitness coach would describe what you are doing as disordered eating. Fasting should not be punishment or to make up for binging. You sound like you are doing great and are hard on yourself. Strongly suggest seeking guidance from a nutritionist or fitness coach.

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Categories: coffee eating disorder disorder sugar calories morning stomach to fast electrolytes binge binging nutrition